An IRC bot written in python and made for my Twitch channel
Key Features • Getting started • Acknowledgements • Connect
General: |
!commands |
!lurk |
!fc |
!followdate |
!oclock |
!uptime |
!asylumcraft |
!bot |
!support |
Stating emotion: |
!bellyrub |
!scrowl |
!smile |
Minecraft related: |
!pack |
!sevtech |
!tp |
!java |
Runescape related: |
!oscommands |
!osrank |
!osirank |
!oshirank |
!osuirank |
!osdmrank |
Socials: | Links to socials: |
!social | Shows all Ridgure's social media accounts |
link to Instagram | |
link to Facebook | |
link to Twitter | |
!discord | link to Discord |
!ctt | Generates a custom Click to Tweet link when sent in the twitch chat |
Calculator: |
!add |
!multipy |
!divide |
Bat cave: |
!bat |
!batnamechange |
!batgenderchange |
Elf tree: |
!elf |
!elfnamechange |
!elfgenderchange |
Tables: |
!raid |
!shout |
!breakdance |
User specific: |
!lick - Wolfpupgirl |
!timemeout - KbigLiar |
!jc747 - JC747 |
!octo - Octostarx |
!ruffle - IvanabCroftin |
Automated functions:
Done by the bot automatically: |
Follower notification |
Subscriber notification |
Output last 20 messages in chat to a file |
"Eww cobble" every time cobble is mentioned |
Times out non vip/moderators if they post links |
Bans users that use bad language |
Clone this repository to your local machine using
git clone
In order to be able to run the bot add a file
in the same folder as the bot and go through the steps below:
should look something like this:
Host = "" # The Twitch IRC server
Port = 6667 # Always use port 6667!
Nickname = "<Name>" # Your Twitch username, lowercase
FollowerToken = "<Token>" # Token generated by without the oauth: part
SubscriberToken = "<Token>" # Self generated token
Channel = "#<Channel>" # The channel you want to join
ClientID = "<ClientID>" # Your client ID
- Create a Twitch account with the name of your bot
- Register your application on the Twitch developer site
- Set the Name to the name of the account you just created
- Set the redirect uri to
- Set the application directory to Chat Bot
- Agree to the terms and conditions
- Get a
and aClient_Secret
- Generate your token for accessing follower data and chat
- Go to Get token here and click connect with twitch
- Click Authorize
- Your token should look something like this:
- Generate your token for accessing subscriber data
- Go to the link underneath
- Remember to swap out
with yourclient id!
- Click Authenticate
- It will look like you got a blank page but your url should look like the second url
- Your access token is the gibberish where it says Token in the url<clientID>&redirect_uri=http://localhost&response_type=token&scope=channel_subscriptions+user_read+channel_check_subscription+chat_login
You will need to install these things to run the bot
- Python 2.7.x
- Libraries:
Running the bot
Run by going to its location and running this command:
This whole project started off with this Instructables article
Other interesting projects to check out:
PythonBot by ZERG3R on Twitch as ZERG3R
Ponderier by DillonEA on Twitch as DillonEA
Xekeism by XekeDeath on Twitch as XekeDeath
See the bot in action when I am live on Twitch over at
Social media