A counter implemented with plain Javascript.
The counter section of the page has been created programmatically with javascript. The links section instead has been written manually on the HTML file.
Link to website https://rilmxp-counter.netlify.app/
The website consists of a single page with a central counter. The counter displays numbers on the main display box as they are added or substracted by one by either pressing "+" or "-" buttons. "Reset" button sets value back to 0.
- Minimum value is 0.
- Maximum value is any number that fits on the display box without overflowing it (see "javascript" notes on the next section).
- You cannot reset counter when at 0.
For each of these instances a message will pop up giving feedback to the user.
Two javascript files:
- counter_creation.js for creating the counter section of the DOM.
- counter_operations to make the counter works.
DOM Manipulation: addition/removal of classes, creation of pop-up messages and other elements both for building the DOM and to assist measurement of content in pixels ("ruler").
createAndAttachElement() for creating and attaching elements to the DOM when needed. The sole function creates, attaches, add attributes (including classes), and writes content to elements. Parameters are explained directly on the source code on counter_creation.js
updateCounter() function takes care of all the operations whenever a button is pressed. This function consists of two additional internal functions that assist in completing such tasks:
errorMessageDisplay() triggers whenever the above behavioural conditions are not met.
numBiggerThanDisplaySize() triggers whenever user presses the "+" button. It makes the standard addition operation but instead of updating the counter's display, it creates a "ruler" to measure the resulting number in pixels. It then compares it with the content width of the display, and if it does not fit in this one, errorMessageDisplay() will trigger. Element sizes where taken using both elem.clientWidth and Elem.getBoundingRect() (this one on a <span> as clientWidht() cannot be used on such element)
a setTimeOut() function was also implemented to assist in color change of numbers (from green or red back to normal), whenever the display is updated.
"click" event on buttons is handled with Event Delegation.
Additional notes on the above functions can be found directly on the code itself on counter_operations.js.
- SASS partials are organized both by group of elements (_links, _counter-elements) or scope (_config, _media queries).
- CSS msg-fade-in animation for feedback messages made with @keyframes
- Icons for Github and Briefcase(<a> to my Portfolio).
- max-height: 450px. set specifically for devices with a very low viewport height so all elements fit comfortably on the page.
- min-widht: 700px and min-height: 451px. It updates Buttons' layout and their order on the page as well as it upscales elements and font sizes.
- min-width: 1400px. Sets elements to a fixed width so they do not stretch indefinitely.