This is a sample iOS app built with SwiftUI and The Composable Architecture by Point-Free
- Search: Allows users to search for apps using iTunes API.
- Navigation: Navigate through the list of apps, view details,
- Empty state and Error Handling: Shows
in case of "No results" andAlert
for Network errors. - Testing: Demonstrates how to write unit tests for TCA-based components, ensuring that actions, state updates, and effects behave as expected.
The app uses iTunes search API to search for apps and retrieve their details.
The user interface supports Dynamic Type to ensure the app is accessible to users with different font size preferences.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Open the project in Xcode.
- Run the app on the simulator or a physical device.
If you want to learn more about TCA, Point-Free has released an interactive tutorial Meet the Composable Architecture