Copyright (c) 2015–2017 EPAM Systems, Inc.
Miew is a high performance web tool for advanced visualization and manipulation of molecular structures.
It provides a full-featured set of tools for 3D visualization and editing of small molecules as well as large molecular complexes, including means to view, analyze, and modify the 3D structure of a molecule. It works as a standalone HTML5 web application or integrates as a component into your web pages. We plan to support the latest versions of WebGL-enabled desktop (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, IE11) and mobile (iOS, Android) browsers.
Miew library is available as an NPM package. Install it either with NPM:
npm install --save miew
or Yarn:
yarn add miew
Then use it in your Webpack / Browserify / Rollup setup, or just test it right in the Node environment.
var Miew = require('miew');
You may also download the minified library and access it from the browser's
tag, or asynchronously include it via Require.js. Refer to the tutorials,
examples and API docs for more details.
There is also a demo application available in the git repository.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.