A command-line interface for searching and downloading YouTube videos & songs in mp3 or mp4 format.
Search for a song by name:
$ python YAYTUBE-cli.py Enter your choice (1-5): 1 Enter the song name: <song_name>
Search for songs by artist:
$ python YAYTUBE-cli.py Enter your choice (1-5): 2 Enter the artist name: <artist_name>
Paste a YouTube URL to download:
$ python YAYTUBE-cli.py Enter your choice (1-5): 3 Paste the YouTube URL: <youtube_url>
List downloaded songs:
$ python YAYTUBE-cli.py Enter your choice (1-5): 4
Exit the program:
$ python YAYTUBE-cli.py Enter your choice (1-5): 5
- Search for YouTube videos by keyword or phrase
- Download videos in various formats (MP4, MP3, etc.)
- Support for downloading playlists and channels
- Option to specify video quality and resolution - 128 , 320 and more
- Support for proxy servers for anonymous downloading - upcoming
- yt_dlp library for downloading videos
- youtubesearchpython library for searching YouTube videos
- requests library for making HTTP requests
- colorama library for colorful console output