- Knowledge of C++
- Basics of OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
- Main features of OOP:
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- multiple File I/O operation
- Constructors
- Operator overloading
- Constructor overloading
- Function overiding
- Friend function
- virtual keyword to resolve Diamond shape problem
- virtual keyword to resolve Runtime polymorphism
- scope resulation
- And different types of functions to perform specific task
In this project blood donar is only KUETian but blood acceptor can be any person.When someone donate blood,her blood group and personal information is saved on blood bank database only admin can access this database.It is an open source application for all kuetian can donate blood, When someone need blood during any emergency time at first check blood bank if there exit any blood of that type or not.This check can be done by only admin,If exist then succefully transmitted the blood and save transmission date as well as the pair of those persons that are donated and accepted blood each other else say there is no blood of that type.
- After running this program at first show user login and admin login
- admin have unique ID and passward
- only admin can know the hole information of blood bank
- After that user have two option either acceptor or donar
- If donar then he can donate blood as well as personal info
- personal info is necessary for both person becasue using this we can conmunicate again as we need
- If acceptor then only he can accept blood as well as persoal info
- After that the hole things are saved on blood bank database