A simple online viewer for Amiga Guide files, written entirely in Javascript
created by RobSmithDev https://robsmithdev.co.uk
Try the Live Demo
Source code is available multi-licensed under the terms of: The Mozilla Public License Version 2.0as published by Mozilla Corporation The GNU General Public License version 2 or later, as published by the Free Software Foundation
Please support this project by supporting https://retro.directory
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="amigaguide.css">
<script src="amigaguide.js"></script>
let guide = new AmigaGuideViewer(url, element, os13mode);
url: URL where the AmigaGuide file is located
element: Name (id) of a HTML DIV (or the DIV element) in which to place the AmigaGuide doc
os13mode: true/false to toggle between Workbench 1.3/2.0 colour scheme and stylesheet