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Currency Items

Robert Skalko edited this page May 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

Currencies are items that modify gear, jewels, maps etc.

This contains a possibly outdated list of currencies, if unsure, refer to In-game Library! The higher the weight, the more chance it will be choosen as a drop when game tries to drop a Currency item.

  • Orb of New Beginnings: Re-rolls a random affix into a Common Rarity Random Affix. (Weight: 1000)
  • Orb of Imbalance: Unpredictably Adds or removes a tier from a random affix. (Weight: 1000)
  • Orb of Chaos: DANGER! Corrupts the item, either destroying it, or upgrading it. Also sets Potential to 0, meaning the item can never be crafted on again. (Weight: 500)
  • Entangled Orb of Imbalance: Either Upgrades a random affix to maximum tier, or removes all affixes on an item. (Weight: 250)
  • Entangled Orb of Quality: Randomly Upgrades Quality of An Item (1-5%), boosting gear potential (Weight: 1000)
  • Entangled Orb of Imperfection: Upgrades unique stats by +10% or destroys the item. (Weight: 50)
  • Orb of Mesmerizing Chaos: Corrupts a Jewel, granting it additional stats. Has a chance to Destroy it! (Weight: 500)
  • Orb of Infinity: Increases gear level, maximum 5 uses on an item. (Weight: 500)
  • Map Rarity Upgrade Orb: Upgrades Map Rarity. Maps with higher rarities can drop better and higher rarity gear but are also more difficult to beat. (Weight: 1000)
  • Spiritual Mastery Seal: Caps the level of drops possible with a profession tool. Useful in case you want lower level drops, in case you still need materials to level up your crafting skills. (Weight: 0)
  • Celestial Mastery Seal: Caps the level of drops possible with a profession tool. Useful in case you want lower level drops, in case you still need materials to level up your crafting skills. (Weight: 0)
  • Empyrean Mastery Seal: Caps the level of drops possible with a profession tool. Useful in case you want lower level drops, in case you still need materials to level up your crafting skills. (Weight: 0)
  • Angelic Mastery Seal: Caps the level of drops possible with a profession tool. Useful in case you want lower level drops, in case you still need materials to level up your crafting skills. (Weight: 0)
  • Divine Mastery Seal: Caps the level of drops possible with a profession tool. Useful in case you want lower level drops, in case you still need materials to level up your crafting skills. (Weight: 0)
  • Godly Mastery Seal: Caps the level of drops possible with a profession tool. Useful in case you want lower level drops, in case you still need materials to level up your crafting skills. (Weight: 0)
  • Orb of Quality: Upgrades Quality of An Item, quality boosts defenses. (Weight: 1000)
  • Spiritual Sharpening Stone: Upgrades Quality of An Item by 2%, can only be used once (Weight: 0)
  • Celestial Sharpening Stone: Upgrades Quality of An Item by 4%, can only be used once (Weight: 0)
  • Empyrean Sharpening Stone: Upgrades Quality of An Item by 6%, can only be used once (Weight: 0)
  • Angelic Sharpening Stone: Upgrades Quality of An Item by 8%, can only be used once (Weight: 0)
  • Divine Sharpening Stone: Upgrades Quality of An Item by 10%, can only be used once (Weight: 0)
  • Godly Sharpening Stone: Upgrades Quality of An Item by 12%, can only be used once (Weight: 0)
  • Orb of Digging: Has a chance to add a socket or do nothing (Weight: 1000)
  • Orb of Imperfection: Increases or reduces unique stats by 5% (Weight: 50)
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