This is repo about unit testing. My learning and exercises with course: Szkoła Testów by Ola Kunysz.
The project consists of four modules:
- Module I - first unit test written
- Module II - tools for testing: JUnit, AssertJ
- Module III - TDD - Coding Dojo - excercises: BowlingKata, FizzBuzzKata
- Module IV -
- Java - version 13
- JUnit - version 4.12
- Maven - version 13
- AssertJ - version 3.19.0
- Mockito - version 3.8.0
class VatServiceTest { VatService vatService; VatProvider vatProvider;
void should_calculate_gross_price_for_default_vat() throws IncorrectVatException {
String type = "Groceries";
Product product = generateProduct("1", 100, type);
double result = vatService.getGrossPriceForDefaultVat(product);
assertEquals(123, result);
During the implementation of the training
My main motivation is learn unit testing and to be a better programmer - currently I'm a developer wanna be:)
Created by - feel free to contact me!