Version: 1.0 Date: 12.12.2016 Author: Robin Eccleston
Function to read in jdx files and return the data in a matrix for use by other functions. Written and tested using MATLAB R2012a. The work is done in read_jdx.m in the function read_jdx.
- file_name - Full location of the file to read, required
- delimiter - delimiter character between measurements, optional but assumes space character if not set.
- number_of_measurements - the number of transmission measurements for each scan. If not set this assumes 5 values. The code will still read files with less data, but will fill the remaining entries with zeros, which could effect the average transmission calculation
- wave_numbers - The wavenumbers for each measurement
- transmission_values - A matrix with each value holding another matrix with all of the measurement values at that wavenumber
- header_data - A structure holding all of the data from the header file as variables. Variable names are all lower case characters.
- avg_transmission - The average transmission at each wave number, calculated using the parameter "number_of_measurements"
- wavelengths - The wavelengths calculated in um.