git clone --recursive [-b noetic]
source ~/[robotech_ws]/devel/setup.bash
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:[robotech_ws]/src/RobotechVirtualChallenge/robots/worlds/models
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle
rosdep check --from-paths ~/[robotech_ws]/src/RobotechVirtualChallenge -i
roslaunch robots sim_gui.launch
Gazebo opens with a preliminary maze and 2 Turtlebot3 robots ready to test the maze.
roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch
Change cmd_vel topic by ns/cmd_vel in each case
purple robot
roslaunch navigation purple_tb3_navigation.launch
red robot
roslaunch navigation red_tb3_navigation.launch
The rviz is launched to take things under control.
WebInterface -- Tutorials
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
firefox ~/[robotech_ws]/src/RobotechVirtualChallenge/web_interface/example/example.html
Do a rostopic echo /robotech_vc_hub/football/event and click the buttons. It works!
Move the robot with the teleop or the navigation-stack and check the interface.
- Complete and test the maze.
- Create a robot model with different colours.
- Create the fight zone.
- Create the hide-and-seek game zone.
- Launch and teleop 2 robots with different namespaces.
- Launch and navigate with 2 robots with different namespaces.