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File metadata and controls

491 lines (404 loc) · 22.3 KB


The files in this directory should by and large be ignored by consumers. Developers will need to make updates here in order to expose additional features of VTK, or to update the version of VTK being used by drake.

The repository.bzl file is the core file that enumerates all of the VTK header files and libraries that are in use by drake's codebase. It does not enumerate all possible files or libraries available in VTK.

TODO(svenevs) rewrite this document

All of the builds (linux, linux_wheel, mac, mac_wheel) are expected to be sourcing the following common files (symlinked to tools/wheel/image where applicable) in this exact order:

  • image/ (defines os_name, codename, architecture)
  • image/ (clones do src in the current working directory, defines the final output vtk_archive_name for .tar.gz output using codename and architecture)
  • image/ (defines vtk_cmake_args array with all of the VTK CMake configure arguments)
    • Assumes that image/vtk-common-cmake-args is in the same directory, docker based builds must make sure to create this.

To determine the vtk_version and subsequent vtk_archive_name, the VTK source tree must be cloned in order to run git describe.

The consuming build (.tar.gz packaging or wheel) is responsible for wrapping these scripts as appropriate. is responsible for controlling all of the CMake configure arguments for every single build flavor except:

  • The generator (e.g., -G Ninja),
  • The CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (where applicable, e.g., wheel builds),

Wrapping build scripts per build flavor:

  • Linux: tools/workspace/vtk/image/
  • mac: tools/workspace/vtk/build_mac_binary
  • Wheel (Linux and mac): tools/wheel/image/



Compiled artifacts are produced by build_binaries_with_docker, and the associated Dockerfile and image/ directory in this folder. The artifacts are compiled once by developers and uploaded to drake's drake-packages S3 bucket. When a consumer compiles drake, the .tar.gz archive for VTK is downloaded and extracted as part of the build. As such, any modifications to the VTK build should modify the naming scheme of the .tar.gz file by updating the image/ file's build_number variable. Never overwrite a build artifact of the same name on drake-packages as doing so will break any users trying to perform a historical build.

The file image/vtk-args contains the full set of CMake configuration arguments used to produce the vtk*.tar.gz binaries that are downloaded and extracted during a normal build of drake. This vtk-args file should be considered the "gold standard" where VTK configurations are concerned. Any differences to this file for macOS or wheel builds should be documented in their corresponding build file.

When developing an upgrade to a new VTK version, developers will need to modify:

  • image/ update the version of VTK being downloaded to compile.
  • image/vtk-args: update any CMake configurations needed. Pay close attention to the docker build during the CMake configure phase. Each VTK upgrade has potential to change, eliminate, or add new CMake configuration variables. Any argument in vtk-args that is outdated will be warned about by CMake, along the lines of Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:. These usually indicate that a given CMake variable for VTK has changed. Until you have arrived at your final changes to vtk-args, you are encouraged to add -Werror=dev to the cmake invocation in image/
  • image/ the vtk_tag field, which should match
  • repository.bzl: discussed below after the relevant changes for the other distributions.
  • image/prereqs: in the event that additional libraries (or fewer) are needed to compile a new VTK version. Make sure that the corresponding binary packages are installed in drake's setup/ubuntu/binary_distribution/packages-*.txt file.

While developing, the primary files to be editing will be image/vtk-args and repository.bzl, using the build_binaries_with_docker script to produce the vtk*.tar.gz archives. As noted above, a typical consumer drake build will be downloading archives from drake-packages, however for development editing the tools/workspace/mirrors.bzl file will be sufficient to instruct bazel to obtain the vtk*.tar.gz from an alternate location. An example change:

     # ... other projects ...
     "vtk": [
+    # NOTE:   ↓↓↓ there must be three slashes.
+        "file:///abs/path/to/drake/tools/workspace/vtk/{archive}",
+    #   "{archive}",
+    #   "{archive}",
-        "{archive}",
-        "{archive}",

Comment out the existing archive URLs, and add a file:// URL to the directory where the artifacts from build_binaries_with_docker reside on your local machine. You will additionally need to modify repository.bzl to update the sha256 for the corresponding archives (search sha256 in that file).

VTK archives for compiling drake hosted at are accessible for 5 years after the date of creation. Afterward they are moved to glacier storage on s3 and will not be available for public download.


Compiled artifacts are produced by homebrew-director, which is tapped and the corresponding VTK version installed in setup/mac/binary_distribution/Brewfile. The associated VTK .rb file under the Formula directory in that repository contains the relevant CMake configurations. They should match the image/vtk-args file in this directory as closely as possible. The only differences should be possible external dependencies available via brew that drake does not depend on, and some brew specific items such as -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH:STRING=#{lib}. Any other differences to image/vtk-args should be documented in that file.

Precompiled binaries for brew are called "bottles". When the macOS consumer of drake runs setup/mac/, the precompiled bottles for this new VTK formula in homebrew-director will be downloaded and installed from the drake-homebrew S3 bucket. Additional bottling instructions are available in the "Drake Continuous Integration Details" internal document.

Note: when testing your pull request / bottles, make sure to request an unprovisioned build from the jenkins bot for macOS.

Pip Wheels (manylinux)

The wheel build docker infrastructure and the docker infrastructure in this folder are as similar as possible, and generally speaking the instructions in the Ubuntu section above apply here (except for mirrors.bzl, which is irrelevant, and there is no correlated The primary differences between the image/vtk-args in this directory and the wheel build:

  • The wheel builds are static to avoid linker / LD_LIBRARY_PATH wrangling for the resultant pip wheels.
  • The CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS found in image/vtk-args in this directory, for example -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2, are excluded as they introduce additional complexity for the wheel build that is not desirable. Those flags are used in image/vtk-args in this directory to mirror what bazel compiles the rest of drake with, which does not apply to the wheel builds.
  • The vtk-args for the wheel builds request that VTK builds more of its external dependencies as part of its build. Any external dependency for the wheel builds must be packaged in tools/wheel/image/dependencies/projects. If an external dependency of VTK is already packaged there, it is reused. Otherwise, since the wheel builds are static, the configurations there request that VTK builds it internally.

Any discrepancies between image/vtk-args in this directory and tools/wheel/image/vtk-args should be documented at the top of the file.


This file enumerates all of the header files and VTK libraries consumed directly or indirectly (transitively) by drake. There are two kinds of libraries: a "private VTK library" (something vendored by VTK as part of its build, e.g., vtksys), or a "public VTK library".

Private VTK Libraries

For each library, it is necessary to supply the appropriate dependencies as well as for manylinux (wheel) supply the appropriate linker flags (e.g., add -ldl and/or -lpthread). Each internal / private library from VTK is all lower case, which makes it easy to distinguish them from the public VTK libraries. Assuming you have built a vtk*.tar.gz archive using build_binaries_with_docker, and extracted that archive in a directory called vtk_extract, you can create the following script to help identify what the deps of a given _vtk_cc_library call will be:

from pathlib import Path
import subprocess

this_file_dir = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()

# NOTE: update "vtk_extract" to wherever you have extracted the VTK .tar.gz.
lib_dir = this_file_dir / "vtk_extract" / "lib"
for lib in sorted(lib_dir.glob("*.so")):
    if ==
        vsep = "*" * 44
        print(f"{vsep}\n* {}\n{vsep}")["ldd", str(lib)])

The private VTK libraries should not include any hdrs in their call to _vtk_cc_library. The vtkkwiml library is the only exception, its headers are needed. The above script will help you identify what the deps are. Additionally, as you can see in the repository.bzl, any time that libdl or pthread show up in the output for ldd, a switch is needed:

if os_result.is_manylinux:
    file_content += _vtk_cc_library(
        linkopts = ["-ldl", "-pthread"],
    file_content += _vtk_cc_library(os_result, "vtkloguru")

Public VTK Libraries

The majority of your time and effort when updating to a new VTK version will be spent identifying any new or changed libraries that drake consumes directly. The library names and targets do not usually change very often (except for possibly the introduction of a new library or changed internal dependencies), but you should expect that the header files will change or possibly be deleted. The _vtk_cc_library command will by default mark any library that does not have hdrs defined as "private visibility", meaning other packages within drake will not be able to link directly against this. Conversely, the libraries that are currently being used elsewhere in drake will need to have the header files that are #includeed (directly, and transitively).

What you will need to update are the hdrs and deps for each public library. To see what the VTK module dependencies are, you can inspect VTK's source tree. For example, for vtkCommonCore and vtkCommonDataModel:

  • VTK/Common/Core/vtk.module
  • VTK/Common/DataModel/vtk.module

Make sure to include the sections from both DEPENDS and PRIVATE_DEPENDS. The vtk.module file will help determine what the deps field for a given library should be. Where header files are concerned, a bit of manual effort is required to determine which header files to include. You can obtain a full list of header files a given VTK module produces by running the file. This full list can be used to determine which libraries drake is actually consuming. You can obtain the current list of header files drake uses by:

# invoke just the `grep` command to see which files.
$ grep -rH '#include <vtk.*\.h>' . | \
    sed 's/.*\(#include.*\)/\1/g' | sort | uniq > headers.txt

You can also find all of the locations where a drake component depends on a vtk library by

# Invoke just the `grep` command to see which files.
$ grep -rH '@vtk//' . | \
    sed 's#.*\(@vtk//.*\)#\1#g' | sort | uniq > deps.txt

Compare headers with the list(s) produced by to determine which VTK modules are needed directly by drake. With your list of direct dependencies, the vtk.module dependencies will enumerate the indirect dependencies of libraries consumed by drake.

While there may be a more direct way to solve which transitive headers are needed (e.g., with IWYU), the header list for each _vtk_cc_library call started by enumerating every header available (commented out) and iteratively re-compiling / un-commenting a given header file until all compilation errors were resolved. Then delete all remaining commented out header files. You can begin with bazel build //geometry/render/... which currently contains a large subset of the VTK usage within drake, but you will need to compile other targets such as bazel build //manipulation/util:stl2obj and eventually bazel build //....

When you believe that you have the final list of libraries updated, you must run the tests. To begin, the core tests that will affect your work are going to be bazel test //geometry/render/..., but you will eventually need to make sure that bazel test //... works as expected (for testing installation). The VTK test tags are defined in tools/skylark/test_tags.bzl:vtk_test_tags(), currently you can run

$ bazel test \
    --test_tag_filters=no_drd,no_helgrind,no_lsan,no_memcheck,no-sandbox \

or to test the install logic specifically:

$ bazel test //:py/install_test

Bisecting VTK

During the upgrade, you may have failing tests particularly from bazel test //geometry/render/... that may not be obvious to fix. Since you will likely be upgrading against a significant amount of changes within VTK, the best approach will be to bisect VTK by temporarily manipulating the build system in drake to point to an externally compiled (by you) source tree of VTK. To begin, you will need to update repository.bzl to point to the right locations. Since some of the library dependencies or names may change, you may need to temporarily update *.bzl files outside of the tools/workspace/vtk folder, address those as needed. For updates to repository.bzl,

  1. In the _vtk_cc_library function, it may serve to your advantage to just make every library publicly visible (related to temporary updates outside of tools/workspace/vtk).

    + visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
      if not deps:
          deps = []
  2. In the _vtk_cc_library function, you might need to update to use linker options rather than specify srcs. In the past, we've used this change while bisecting, but it might not have been strictly required.

      elif os_result.is_ubuntu:
          if not header_only:
    -         srcs = ["lib/lib{}-{}.so.1".format(name, VTK_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION)]
    +         lib_dir = "/abs/path/to/custom/vtk/install/lib"
    +         linkopts = linkopts + [
    +             "-L{}".format(lib_dir),
    +             "-l{}-{}".format(name, VTK_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION)
    +         ]
  3. In the _impl(repository_ctx) function, you will need to comment out the ubuntu section that sets archive, sha256, and calls repository_ctx.download_and_extract. Replace it with something like

    inc_dir = "/abs/path/to/custom/vtk/install/include"
    repository_ctx.symlink(inc_dir, "include")
  4. At the top of repository.bzl you will need to update VTK_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION (as it is used in the linker options from (2)). As you bisect, the VTK major/minor version can be found most easily by

    $ find /abs/path/to/custom/vtk/lib -name "*.so"

    and examine the library suffixes. You may see (so VTK_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION = "8.90"), or (so VTK_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION = "9.0").

  5. As you bisect, you may need to comment out _vtk_cc_library calls for private internal vtk libraries (such as vtkmft) and their corresponding usage in deps of other libraries (so comment out ":vtkmft").

  6. Similarly, different header files may not be found, or new files that are not currently enumerated in repository.bzl may be required. For header files reported as not found by bazel, simply comment them out. For header files that are needed but not listed yet, the fastest solution to make them available to every location is by adding them to the hdrs of "vtkCommonCore".

  7. You will probably need to comment out the fail() clause in _check_licenses_impl the file tools/install/check_licenses.bzl.

  8. Until your work is complete, you will be best served to keep your bisected builds / installation trees around. If you need to bisect a second time, since you will be starting with the same good and bad commits, you will be able to reuse them until the bisect diverges.

A successful workflow was to have the following directory structure (outside of your drake repository):

├── vtk-build
├── vtk-installs
└── vtk-src


  • vtk-src is a git clone of the VTK source tree. This is where you will be bisecting.
  • vtk-build is just a scratch build directory.
  • vtk-installs is where each bisected commit is getting installed.
  • is a helper script to aid you in producing the installations, assuming you have vtk-src as your clone directory. Its contents are below:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -x
# Assumes you are always running `./`!  Updated accordingly...
# Wherever your `git clone` of the VTK source lives.
# As you bisect, each commit will produce different results for `git describe`.
inst="$here/vtk-installs/$(git -C "$src" describe)"
if ! [[ -d "$inst" ]]; then
    echo "I am building"
    rm -rf vtk-build
    mkdir vtk-build
    cd vtk-build
    # If desired, you can update the below to also add whatever is in
    # image/vtk-args to reduce the total size of the build by turning off
    # various dependencies or unnecessary VTK components.
    cmake -G Ninja \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$inst \
    ninja install
    echo "DONE: $inst already exists!"

With the infrastructure in place, you will need to begin bisecting. In one terminal in vtk-src, git bisect start and then use git bisect good vX.Y.Z where vX.Y.Z is the VTK git tag that you are updating away from (what drake is currently using). Now git bisect bad vA.B.C where vA.B.C is the VTK git tag that you are upgrading drake to. The git bisect will then put you at some specific commit to begin your work. Now that the bisect has started, the process works as follows:

  1. Run to produce a VTK installation of the current commit under inspection.

  2. Update repository.bzl according to the instructions above to change the VTK_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION, lib_dir, and inc_dir to point to the new locations. If you forget which directory you were installing to, recall that in the terminal that is performing the git bisect you can run git describe and then look at vtk-installs to see which one it is.

  3. Run your test or program, noting that you will need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for most scenarios. If you were failing a specific test in a given test file then you could comment out all of the other tests, and then run LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${lib_dir} bazel test //the/test/that:fails where ${lib_dir} would be the same absolute path you updated repository.bzl to and //the/test/that:fails is the actual test target. Or, if you are inspecting visual results, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${lib_dir} bazel run //the/target/under:inspection.

    During this phase is when you will encounter various build errors such as not being able to find a library that was created using _vtk_cc_library (step (5) above, comment it out), or comment out / add header files as needed (step (6) above). Eventually your test or program will run after making the requisite modifications. As you continue the bisect, the number of changes needed for libraries / headers will likely decrease.

  4. Now that (3) runs, identify whether the test or application behaves correctly or not and in the vtk-src directory git bisect good or git bisect bad accordingly. Now using steps 1-4 here again until the process is complete.

The process is fairly time consuming as each step requires a rebuild and install of VTK as well as modifying LD_LIBRARY_PATH for bazel commands will require many items to be rebuilt. Avoid rebuilding more of drake than you need to by only testing / running the specific target that you need to. The rest of drake that depends on VTK will not be rebuilt.


During the upgrade to VTK-9, the tools/workspace/drake_visualizer folder was updated to build VTK-8 from source. Its Dockerfile and related infrastructure is closely related to the infrastructure found in this folder, but will become irrelevant when drake_visualizer support is dropped. Previously the drake_visualizer build would consume the same vtk*.tar.gz archive that drake used in its build for VTK-8. As a result, it would contain libraries looking for eventual linker references to VTK-8 libraries that would come together at the end of build or install. The VTK-9 update required keeping VTK-8 available for drake_visualizer, which meant that

  1. The drake_visualizer build needed to build VTK-8 internally and bundle it.
  2. Both VTK-8 and VTK-9 are installed side-by-side with drake.

Where (2) is concerned, the special cases in

  • tools/install/bazel/drake.BUILD.bazel
  • tools/install/

for VTK-8 or "director" (what drake_visualizer uses) specific libraries should be removed.

As part of the testing process for the VTK-9 upgrade, given the side-by-side VTK-8 and VTK-9 install, it was required to include in the testing process rm -rf ${prefix} && bazel run //:install -- ${prefix}, where ${prefix} is any temporary directory to install cleanly upon. Then make sure that you can run ${prefix}/bin/drake-visualizer (to validate that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, rpath, and PYTHONPATH manipulations work correctly) in addition to validating that bazel run //tools:drake_visualizer works.