This repo is an example of a chaser spacecraft performing a fuel-optimal rendevouz manuever toward a target spacecraft. The implementation is done in MATLAB R2024a. It is currently solving with the SeDuMi solver (free solver included in CVX).
- Download the CVX package for MATLAB:
- Follow the installation instructions in the following page:
- Model: Clohessy Wiltshire (CW) Equations
- Objective: Minimize the L1 norm of the controls. (assuming impulsive burns)
- Constraints:
- Dynamics Constraint (Discrete CW Equations)
- Thrust limit
- Initial Chaser Position
- Goal Chaser Position
- Target Satellite Orbit altitude
- Chaser initial position
- Mass
- Timestep, amount of knot points, total time to execute the maneuver
- Solver settings