Build with:
sampctl package ensure
sampctl package build
Use command:
It's a basic TDM with cool features and sound effects + an intro. What you can change within the script:
#define RTDM_SKIN_RED_TEAM 212
I plan on adding more textdraws and progressing for levels and upgrading weapons if i feel like its worth it.
SovietComrade is credited for the map. Zeex for the command processor, rest of the script is basically done by me.
Streamed music i uploaded myself (but didn’t create, credits of those sounds go to their owners not me), textdraws, custom map (also not made by me), intro once you get inside the area and respawning ability.
forward OnPlayerExitTDM(playerid);
public OnPlayerExitTDM(playerid)
This function is called remotely from the filterscript, you can use it to reset player's weather (because its set once player enters the team deatmatch) and i couldn't retrieve it because there's no GetPlayerWeather function.