Python image Dockerfile baked with a R&S VISA in order to test with instruments. The utilized R&S VISA version is 5.12.3. Furthermore, pyvisa
is already pre-installed and configured to use R&S VISA.
Building the Docker image by calling
docker build --build-arg=PYTHON_INTERPRETER="python" --build-arg=PYTHON_VERSION="3.8" -t rsvisa-python:3.8 .
Start the Docker image by calling
docker run -it rsvisa-python:3.8
In the Python's REPL of the container, you can import pyvisa for controlling your instruments.
>>> import pyvisa
>>> rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
>>> instr = rm.open_resource('tcpip::your.ip.address::INSTR')
>>> print(instr.query('*IDN?'))
The Dockerfile is licensed under LICENSE. With Dockerfile building and execution you are accepting additional third-party licenses.