An AI-powered MERN stack web application utilizing Google Gemini for Q&A. Users can sign up, log in, ask questions, and upload images for AI analysis. All conversations are stored, allowing users to review past interactions.
- User Authentication: Log in or sign up using GitHub, Google, or email.
- Dashboard: Access a personalized AI dashboard.
- AI Q&A: Chat with AI powered by Google Gemini to get answers to your questions.
- Image Analysis: Upload images for AI to analyze and provide responses.
- Chat History: All conversations are saved, allowing users to check previous chats.
- React 19
- MongoDB
- Node.js
Clone the Repository
git clone
Install Dependencies
- For the backend:
cd ./backend/ npm install
- For the frontend:
cd ./frontend/ npm install -f
- For the backend:
Setup Environment Variables Create a .env file in the root directories of both the backend and frontend, with the following variables:
- .env
IMAGE_KIT_ENDPOINT=<your Image kit endpoint> IMAGE_KIT_PUBLIC_KEY=<image kit public key> IMAGE_KIT_PRIVATE_KEY=<image kit private key> CLIENT_URL=<frontend URL> MONGO=<MongoDB URI> CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=<Clerk publishable key> CLERK_SECRET_KEY=<Clerk secret key> VITE_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=<Clerk publishable key> VITE_IMAGE_KIT_ENDPOINT=<Image kit endpoint> VITE_IMAGE_KIT_PUBLIC_KEY=<Image kit public key> VITE_GEMINI_PUBLIC_KEY=<Google Gemini API key> VITE_API_URL=<Backend API URL>
Feel free to adjust the content and formatting as needed!