In your block repositories
, add this lines :
repositories {
maven {
url ""
name = "JitPack"
and in your dependencies
block :
dependencies {
implementation 'fr.flowarg:flowupdater:VERSION'
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First, create a new VanillaVersion, specify arguments. Then build the version :
VanillaVersion version = new VanillaVersionBuilder().withName("1.15.2").withSnapshot(false).withVersionType(VersionType.VANILLA).build();
You have to put the version you want as parameter, you can set a snapshot if you want or latest
If you have specified "latest" to the version name, and that the version is a snapshot, replace false by true.
Then, instantiate a new FlowUpdater with FlowUpdaterBuilder#withXArguments#withAnotherArguemtn#build
. Check the code for more information.
The most of FlowUpdater objects are buildable:
Build a new UpdaterOptions object:
I'm enabling the re-extracting of natives at each update.
UpdaterOptions options = new UpdaterOptionsBuilder().withReExtractNatives(true).build();
FlowUpdater updater = new FlowUpdaterBuilder().withVersion(version).withUpdaterOptions(options).build();
Don't forget to add a progress callback if you want to make a progress bar !
Finally, call the update function :
updater.update(new File("/your/path/"), false);
Replace false by true if you want to download the server Jar (useful for server installation program).
(You need to setup a vanilla updater !)
First, in your vanilla version builder, change the version type to VersionType.FORGE
Next, make a List of Mod objects.
List<Mod> mods = new ArrayList<>();
mods.add(new Mod("OneMod.jar", "sha1ofmod", 85120, "https://link/of/mod.jar"));
mods.add(new Mod("AnotherMod.jar", "sha1ofanothermod", 86120, "https://link/of/another/mod.jar"));
You can get a list of mods by providing a json link too : List<Mod> mods = Mod.getModsFromJson("");
You can get mods from CurseForge too:
List<CurseFileInfos> modInfos = new ArrayList<>();
// project ID and file ID
modInfos.add(new CurseModInfos(238222, 2988823));
You can get a list of curse mods by providing a json link too : List<CurseFileInfos> mods = CurseFileInfos.getFilesFromJson("");
// On updater options :
.withUpdaterOptions(new UpdaterOptions(true|false, false|false, true))
Then, build a forge version. For example, I will build a NewForgeVersion.
AbstractForgeVersion forgeVersion = new ForgeVersionBuilder(ForgeVersionBuilder.ForgeVersionType.NEW)
.withOptifine("1.16.3_HD_U_G3") // installing optifine for 1.16.3
.withUseFileDeleter(true) // delete bad mods
.withNoGui(true) // only for new forge version: true -> don't show the forge installer gui. false -> show the forge installer gui.
Finally, set the Forge version corresponding to the wanted Forge version :
That's all!
(You need to setup a vanilla updater !)
In your vanilla version builder, change the version type to VersionType.MCP
Finally, set to vanilla version builder a MCP version :
.withMCP(new MCP("clientURL", "name", "clientSha1", "author", "serverURL", "serverSha1", 1215, 20525));
If you set an empty/null string in url and sha1 and 0 in size, the updater will use the default minecraft jar. Example on client-only mcp downloading :
.withMCP(new MCP("", "f2c219e485831af2bae9464eebbe4765128c6ad6", "", "", 23005862, 210052));
You can get a MCP object instance by providing a json link too : .withMCP(MCP.getMCPFromJson(""));
Nothing else to add :).
Coming soon !!!
With FlowUpdater, you can download other files in your update dir!
In your FlowUpdaterBuilder, precise an array list of ExternalFile (can be get by ExternalFile#getExternalFilesFromJson
All json files can be generated by the FlowUpdaterJsonCreator !
With FlowUpdater, you can execute some actions after update, like patch a file, kill a process, launch a process, review a config etc... In your FlowUpdaterBuilder, precise a list of Runnable.
And all it's done !
This library has some dependencies :
If you want to contribute to the project, please consider providing me with some support: