Hi there! 👋 I'm Roman, a passionate Flutter developer from Ukraine with a strong focus on crafting seamless cross-platform mobile applications. My mission is to deliver delightful user experiences by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and best practices in mobile development.
🔧 Technologies & Tools 🛠 Languages & Frameworks: Flutter, Dart, Python, JavaScript 🔄 State Management: Provider, Bloc, Riverpod 🧰 Development Tools: Mason, Freezed, GetIt, RxDart, FPDart, Cache package 📐 Design Patterns: Repository Pattern 🎨 UI Libraries: Material Design, Cupertino 🗄 Databases & Backends: MongoDB, Firebase, Supabase, PostgreSQL 📱 Featured Projects 🛒 E-Commerce App Tech Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Flutter, Dart, Provider
💬 Social Media App Tech Stack: Firebase, Flutter, Dart, Riverpod
📄 Document Utility App Tech Stack: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Flutter, Dart, Riverpod
⚓ Seamen's Club App & Web Admin Panel Tech Stack: Firebase, Flutter, Dart, Provider
📚 Comics App Tech Stack: Flutter, Dart, Bloc, Mason, RxDart, GetIt, Code Generation
🎵 Music App Tech Stack: Flutter, Dart, Riverpod, Python, PostgreSQL
🌐 Connect with Me Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn for collaboration, project inquiries, or just to chat about all things tech!