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A bot which pulls random posts off 4chan.

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View on (Discord Bots List)

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs in the Issues tab of this page or the #4chan-bug-reports channel of the support server. If you are a developer and would like to try and fix some of these bugs, you may fork the repository and open a pull request to help.

How to use

For help or a list of commands, type /4chan help.

To get a random post off /g/, type /random.

To get a random post off another board, type /random <board> (e.g. +4chan /v/).


Command Description
/4chan help Lists all commands and their usage.
/4chan info Gets information about bot version and system info.
/random [board] Gets a random post from the default board or a specified board.
/post <id> <board> Gets the OP post of the thread with the given ID from the given board.
/browse [board] [id] Opens a browser for the specified board.
/boards Gets a list of available boards you can use.
/config Allows you to configure the behaviour of the bot for your server (available to server admins only). See here for more info

Getting Started with Development

You will need

  • NodeJS
  • MySQL server
  • A Discord application token for a bot

To install the project,

  1. Use the init.sql file to set up your database.
  2. Run the following commands:
$ git clone
$ cd 4chan-Discord-Bot
$ npm install      # this will download the dependancies
$ npm run build    # compile the typescript source
$ npm start        # this will generate a config file
$ nano config.json # edit the config and add your token and db login
$ npm run dev      # you can now run the bot in dev mode

To run the bot asynchronously (without blocking the terminal), you can use

$ npm i -g pm2     # install pm2
$ npm run async    # start the bot

If you're actively developing the bot, you can run Typescript in watch mode with:

$ tsc -w

To migrate the legacy guild-config.json to your MySQL database, run the migration tool through npm:

$ nano config.json # ensure your database login is correct
$ npm run migrate  # run the migration tool