Car damage detection and classification using deep learning, implemented using libraries such as Keras and Tensorflow, with GUI and configuration files for admin.
Welcome to the source code of our final project!
In this section we will explain how to setup your environment in order to be able to run the code, since it has specific requierments - as python is an open source language and every change made by the community reflects directly on the usability of your environment.
We advice you to create a virtual environment, and make it's iteration as the interpreter of the project, in order to not mess up your current working environment's dependencies.
-You are required to download python 3.6.x version, not the latest 3.7 since some tensorflow modules still do not work in conjunction with it. -This tutorial section will use Anaconda/Miniconda commands, since it helps you download any dependancy using wheels, making it smoother to setup rather than installing via your IDE, i.e. Pycharm.
Once you have Anaconda installed, create your virtual environment and install the dependancies using the next commands : conda --name "Your environment name here" python=3.6
Once installed, proceed and activate it, using :
conda activate "Your environment name here"
Now let's install the project's dependancies :
pip install --upgrade sklearn
pip install --upgrade pandas
pip install --upgrade pandas-datareader
pip install --upgrade matplotlib
pip install --upgrade pillow
pip install --upgrade requests
pip install --upgrade h5py
pip install --upgrade psutil
pip install --upgrade tensorflow==1.12.0
pip install --upgrade keras==2.2.4
pip install --upgrade PyQt5
We advise you use Pycharm IDE in order to view and run our source code. If you followed the instructions so far, when opening the IDE you will have an option to choose an Existing Interpreter, where you can navigate to the location of your Virtual Environment, usually at C:\Users"Your user name"\miniconda\envs"Your environment name"\python.exe, or if you already have the IDE installed, once you open the project you need to attach the Interpreter to it. Once attached:
1)right click the "Gui Section" folder and right click
2)"Make Directory As -> Source Root
3)Then Run the code via the file, and use "admin" both for username and password.