Project of the Programming Paradigms course, National University of Costa Rica.
TryCode is a project developed as a compiler of a simple programming language with its own syntax and semantics. TryCode has a graphical interface built with Tkinter, allowing users to write code and view results. The parsing and execution structure of the code is defined using the Python SLY library, ensuring consistent operation of the TryCode language.
The analysis and execution of the code is given by using two sections corresponding the Syntax section in: Lexer and Parser, plus the Semantics section with Interpreter. The TryCode code is composed of expressions ending in the ';' character, without taking into account spaces and identation.
Examples Syntax:
Comments: #a=5;
Variable assignment: a=2; b =” Hola Mundo”; c=TRUE;
Show variable content: a; PRINT(a);
Show Character String: PRINT(“hello”);
Arithmetic Operations: 2+2; 3-3; 4/4; 5*5;
Comparators: a==3; b!=4; c<=3; v>=4; k<9; k>6;
Logical Comparators: a==3 AND b==4; a==3 OR b==4; NOT a==3 AND b==4;
IF Syntax: Example 1: a=1; IF a==1 THEN a ELSE a=a+2;
Example 2: a=2; b=2; IF a==2 AND b==2 THEN 3 ELSE 4;
FOR Syntax: FOR a=0 TO 5 THEN a;
WHILE syntax: a=1; WHILE a<3 THEN a a=a+1;
Function Syntax: FUN prueba()-> PRINT("HOLA"); prueba();