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Rookout tutorial for debugging Java applications

CircleCI License Docs GitHub version

A sample app for debugging Java using Rookout.

Helpful links:


  1. Java 8
  2. Docker (optional) -
  3. Jaegar Agent -


  1. Clone the sample app from this repository:
git clone
cd tutorial-java
  1. Set your Rookout Token as an environment variable (for Windows, use set instead of ***export)
export ROOKOUT_TOKEN=[Your Rookout Token]
  1. This application uses Jaegar for tracing and requires the Jaegar agent be running before starting the application. The simplest approach to setting this up would be to start the All-In-One pre-built Docker image as described here:

  2. After starting Jaegar, ensure that the file src/main/resources/ is updated with the host and port of your Jaegar agent. For example:
  • You can omit using Jaeger and remove the and opentracing.jaeger.udp-sender.port options from the src/main/resources/ file.
  1. Build and run the app

Build and run the app using Gradle:

./gradlew bootJar run
  • Optional - Run the app using docker (Java & Gradle are not required)
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e "ROOKOUT_TOKEN=[Your Rookout Token]" rookout/tutorial-java
  • No Jaeger? If you just want to take the docker image for a spin without Jaeger then you can disable it by adding the --opentracing.jaeger.enabled=false argument:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e "ROOKOUT_TOKEN=[Your Rookout Token]" rookout/tutorial-java --opentracing.jaeger.enabled=false


  • Log in to the Rookout IDE.

  • Select the server(s) to debug based on the labels in the server selection screen

  • Add the source code according to the instructions using the left pane Source View

    More details

    Adding source code

    1. Click on Add source
    2. Choose source control
      • Github
        • Click on Connect
        • Authorize O-Auth
        • Fill Repository Owner
        • Click Repository and choose from the dropdown menu
        • Click Next
        • Choose the desired branch
        • Click View Repository
      • Local FileSystem - Server
        • Click on Setup Server
        • Choose a supported HTTP Server
        • Follow the on-screen instructions

  • Open the file src/main/java/com/rookout/tutorial/

  • Add a Breakpoint to the addTodo function by clicking next the line number in the file viewer Snapshot Breakpoint

  • Click on the Breakpoints tab in the left pane, and you will see the Breakpoint and the line number where you added it - it should be solid purple.
    Valid Breakpoint

  • Go the the app page - http://localhost:8080/ and add try to add a task to the todo list

Add Task

  • Check the bottom pane Messages and you'll see the dumpframe you just added - it was triggered by the handler of the web page when you accessed it!

Message pane

Common Pitfalls

  • Breakpoint status is pending (hollow with purple outline) -- Connection to the app was not able to be established. Make sure that you inserted the Rookout Token in the right place and that the SDK was properly installed.
  • Breakpoing status is disabled (solid grey) -- The breakpoint was disabled from collecting more data due to the limits being hit.
  • Brekapoint error -- something went wrong. Check the breakpoint status to get more information on the error type, and for more information go to our [breakpoint status guide][].

Bug Hunt

Great! You're now ready to start debugging, let's start by having some fun with our bug hunt - follow the instructions to try out some basic use cases.

Want to learn more ?
