Settings for VisiCut used by Root Access Hackerspace
VisiCut is used to prepare, save, and send jobs to the K40 laser cutter.
Control for the laser cutter are provided by k40-laser-scripts
Directions (and most of this README) have been adapted from FAU FabLab
Delete your settings before you clone this repo, if they exist:
rm -rf ~/.visicut/
Clone the repo to
:git clone .visicut
If that doesn't work, you may need to use HTTPS instead of SSH:
git clone .visicut
However, you will not have push access to the main repo, and any changes you wish to submit will have to bit in the form of a pull request.
To update your settings, run:
cd ~/.visicut
git pull
You either need SSH+write access to this repo, or (ideally) fork this repo and after commiting/pushing your changes, submit a pull request. Make sure to include plenty of information as to what you changed in the settings so that the pull request can be expedited.
You might not need to do this, as a current (2017/12/6) goal is to have the settings initialized when your account is created. Ask the current laser administrator, Dylan (@dylarm).
Until a method of dealing with merge conflicts semi-automatically is devised, settings with not automatically update. If you don't want to monitor for updates on here, you can always monitor our #github Slack channel.