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Rosalila Framework

License Travis GitHub Action

  1. Simple: You only need to understand a few functions to create your game.
  2. Modern: Use the prebuilt third party API’s support to catch up with the thrends.
  3. Libre: Free as in freedom, available even for commercial projects.
Feature Supported
Windows / Linux / MacOS
Flexible 2d graphics
Simplified sound and music api
PC, XInput, PS4 and Steam input supported
Built in JSON parsing
Collision detection, math, seeded randoms, logs etc...
Libre, MIT licensed


The basics

Draw an image

Image* image = rosalila()->graphics->getImage("image.png");
rosalila()->graphics->drawImage(image, 100, 200 /*x, y position*/);

Draw a rectangle

rosalila()->graphics->drawRectangle(10, 20, /*position*/
                                    200, 150, /*size*/
                                    0.0, /*rotation*/
                                    255, 0, 0, 255); /*RGBA*/

Play music and sounds

rosalila()->sound->playMusic("music.ogg", 0 /*music loops, 0 means infinite*/);
rosalila()->sound->addSound("my_sound", "sound.ogg");


rosalila()->sound->playSound("my_sound", -1 /*channel, use -1 to autopick*/, 1 /*loops, 0 means infinite*/, -1 /*stereo panning, 0 means mono, range from 1 to screen width*/);



Check if an input is down or was pressed

if(rosalila()->receiver->isDown(0 /*0 is player 1, 1 is player 2 etc.*/, "up"))
    // Player 1's "Up" button is down

if(rosalila()->receiver->isPressed(1 /*0 is player 1, 1 is player 2 etc.*/, "a"))
    // Player 2 pressed the "a" button

Advanced stuff

Unlock an achievement (Compatible with Steam)

Alt text

rosalila()->api_integrator->unlockAchievement("My achievement");

Get a stat (Compatible with Steam)

Alt text

int counter = rosalila()->api_integrator->getStat("My counter");

Set a stat (Compatible with Steam)

rosalila()->api_integrator->setStat("My counter",counter + 1);

Submit a leaderboard entry (Compatible with Steam)

Alt text

rosalila()->api_integrator->setScore("Top scores", 143 /*score*/);

Get leaderboard (Compatible with Steam)

rosalila()->api_integrator->findLeaderboard("Top scores"); // Retreive the leaderboard externally

while (rosalila()->api_integrator->getState() == "loading") // Wait for it...

if (rosalila()->api_integrator->getState() != "error")
  Leaderboard *leaderboard = rosalila()->api_integrator->getLeaderboard("Top scores");

  for (auto entry : current_leaderboard->top_entries) // Inspect entries
    int rank = entry->rank;
    std::string name = entry->name;
    int score = entry->score;

  for (auto entry : current_leaderboard->near_entries) // Same thing for entries near the player

  for (auto entry : current_leaderboard->friends_entries) // And for his friend's entries
} else
  // Handle errors

Check if external API is running (Compatible with Steam)

if (rosalila()->api_integrator->isUsingApi())
  // External api is running

Trigger a notification

Alt text

  new Notification(image,
                    0 /*x*/, 0 /*y*/,
                    100 /*target y, used for moving animation*/,
                    300 /*duration, in frames*/));


rosalila()->graphics->notification_handler.interruptCurrentNotification(); // Interrupt / Hide it

Get screen size

int width = rosalila()->graphics->screen_width;
int height = rosalila()->graphics->screen_height;

Get a random number

int random_number = rosalila()->utility->getRandomNumber();
int non_seeded_random_number = rosalila()->utility->getNonSeededRandomNumber();

Seed randoms

rosalila()->utility->setRandomSeed(543245 /*seed*/);

Write a log line

rosalila()->utility->writeLogLine("My log text.");

Read json

Node* example_root_node = rosalila()->parser->getNodes("example.json");

Node* tag = example_root_node->getNodeByName("Tag");
cout << tag->attributes["a"] << endl;

for(auto array_element : example_root_node->getNodesByName("Array"))
  cout << array_element->attributes["value"] << endl;

Fancy details

Add gfx to your images

Alt text

image.scale = 0.5; // defaults to 1.0
image.width = image.original_width * 2;
image.rotation = 45.0; // defaults to 0.0
image.flip_horizontally = true; // defaults to false
image.blend_effect = true; //  defaults to false = 0; // defaults to RGBA(255,255,255,255)
image.color_filter.alpha = 128;

Fade music

rosalila()->sound->fadeMusicVolume(128 /*Target volume, 0 min 128 max*/,
                                   2 /*Delta change speed*/);

Set transparency effect

rosalila()->graphics->transparency_effect.set(1.0 /*Target alpha percentage*/,
                                              0.03 /*Delta change speed*/);

Getting started

Link the Rosalila libraries and include it.

#include "Rosalila.h"

int main()
  // Initialize stuff here
    // Draw, play sounds, check inputs here


  return 0;

Also setup an config.json file. Notice the Font and Notifications tags are optional.


    "x": "1280",
    "y": "720"
    "x": "1280",
    "y": "720"
    "enabled": "no"
      "number": "0",
          "name": "keyboard",
              "name": "up",
              "key": "up"
              "name": "down",
              "key": "down"
              "name": "left",
              "key": "left"
              "name": "right",
              "key": "right"
              "name": "a",
              "key": "z"
              "name": "b",
              "key": "x"
          "name": "gamepad",
              "name": "up",
              "key": "up"
              "name": "down",
              "key": "down"
              "name": "left",
              "key": "left"
              "name": "right",
              "key": "right"
              "name": "a",
              "key": "1"
              "name": "b",
              "key": "2"
Attribute Type Required Description
resolution resolution Screen resolution, in pixels
screen_size screen_size Screen size, in pixels
fullscreen fullscreen Fullscreen settings
inputs inputs Input settings
font font Fullscreen settings
notifications notifications Notification settings


Attribute Type Required Description
x integer Resolution width
y integer Resolution height


Attribute Type Required Description
x integer Screen width
y integer Screen height


Attribute Type Required Description
enabled yes/no Defines whether the game will go fullscreen or not


Attribute Type Required Description
path file path Path to the .ttf file
red integer Amount of red color from 0 to 255
green integer Amount of green color from 0 to 255
blue integer Amount of blue color from 0 to 255
size integer Font size


Attribute Type Required Description
background_path file path Path to the notification box .png background


Attribute Type Required Description
player[] player Array of player's button configuration


Attribute Type Required Description
number integer Player number from 0 onwards...
type[] type Array of types of inputs (gamepad or keyboard)


Attribute Type Required Description
name keyboard/gamepad Type of input configuration
button[] button Button key-name mapping


Attribute Type Required Description
name string Name of the button to be used on your game
key string Key associated to the name

Sample project

The Rosalila Framework Example is a very simple project using the Rosalila Framework. It helps you getting started.


Take a look at the Code Examples for quick code recipes.

Build Dependencies


sudo apt-get install g++ \
cmake libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev \
libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev \
libsdl2-net-dev libglew-dev


brew install sdl2
brew install sdl2_image
brew install sdl2_mixer
brew install sdl2_ttf


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


Minimalist, modern and hands-on game framework.







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