Updated table Source: https://dbdesigner.page.link/WTZRbVeTR7EzLvs86
Loom Video PT1 Loom Video PT2 Loom Video PT3 Loom Video PT4
okta: STRING,
name: STRING,
email: STRING,
avatarUrl: STRING,
user_id: INTEGER,
user_id: INTEGER,
user_id: INTEGER,
parent_id: INTEGER,
username: STRING,
user_id: INTEGER,
bio: STRING,
rating: INTEGER
user_id: INTEGER,
inbox_id: INTEGER,
sender_id: INTEGER,
sent_at: TIMESTAMP,
title: STRING,
message: STRING,
read: BOOLEAN,
description: STRING,
subject: STRING,
prereq: TEXT ARRAY,
course_id: INTEGER,
instructor_id: INTEGER,
size: INTEGER,
start_time: TIME,
end_time: TIME,
start_date: DATE,
end_date: DATE,
location: STRING,
child_id: INTEGER,
course_id: INTEGER,
instructor_id: INTEGER,
course_id: INTEGER,
approved: BOOLEAN,
approved_by: INTEGER,
il_id: INTEGER,
resource: STRING,
task: BOOLEAN,
title: STRING,
link: STRING,
description: STRING,
posted_at: TIMESTAMP,
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /profile/ | Returns an array filled with event objects. |
[GET] | /profile/:okta/ | Returns an event object with the specified okta . |
[POST] | /profile/ | Requires a name, password, and email. Registers a new user. |
[PUT] | /profile/ | Returns an event object with the specified okta . Updates specific profile. |
[DELETE] | /profile/:okta/ | Returns an event object with the specified okta . Deletes specific profile. |
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /admin/ | Returns an array filled with event objects. |
[GET] | /admin/:id/ | Returns an event object with the specified id . |
[POST] | /admin/ | Returns an event object with the specified user_id . Creates a new admin. |
[PUT] | /admin/ | Returns an event object with the specified id . Updates specific admin. |
[DELETE] | /admin/:id/ | Returns an event object with the specified id . Deletes specific admin. |
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /parent/ | Returns an array filled with event objects. |
[GET] | /parent/:id/ | Returns an event object with the specified id . |
[GET] | /parent/:id/children/ | Returns an array filled with event objects with the specified id . |
[GET] | /parent/:id/schedules/ | Returns an array filled with event objects with the specified id . |
[POST] | /parent/ | Returns an event object with the specified user_id . Creates a new parent. |
[PUT] | /parent/ | Returns an event object with the specified user_id . Updates specific parent. |
[DELETE] | /parent/:id/ | Returns an event object with the specified id . Deletes specific parent. |
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /instructor/ | Returns an array filled with event objects. |
[GET] | /instructor/:id/ | Returns an event object with the specified id . |
[GET] | /instructor/:id/courses/ | Returns an array filled with event objects with the specified id . |
[POST] | /instructor/ | Returns an event object with the specified user_id . Creates a new instructor. |
[PUT] | /instructor/ | Returns an event object with the specified id . Updates specific instructor. |
[DELETE] | /instructor/:id/ | Returns an event object with the specified id . Deletes specific instructor. |
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /user/ | Returns an event object with the specified okta and type . |
[GET] | /user/inbox/ | Returns an event object with the specified okta . |
[GET] | /user/schedules/ | Returns an event object with the specified okta . |
[PUT] | /user/ | Returns an event object with the specified id . Updates specific user. |
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /inbox/ | Returns an array filled with event objects. |
[GET] | /inbox/:okta/ | Returns an array filled with event objects with the specific okta . Retrieves an inbox. |
[POST] | /inbox/ | Returns the event object with the specified user_id . Creates an inbox. |
[POST] | /inbox/messages/ | Returns the event object with the specified inbox_id . Sends a message. |
[PUT] | /inbox/ | Returns an array filled with event objects with the specific okta . Updates an inbox. |
[DELETE] | /inbox/:okta/ | Returns an array filled with event objects with the specific okta . Deletse an inbox. |
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /course/ | Returns an array filled with event objects. |
[GET] | /course/:subject | Returns the event object with the specified subject . |
[POST] | /course/ | Contains fields: description , subject , and prereq . Returns the event object with the specified subject . |
[PUT] | /course/ | Updates the event with the specified subject using data from the request body . Returns the modified event |
[DELETE] | /course/:subject | Removes the event with the specified subject and returns the deleted event. |
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /schedule/ | Returns an array filled with event objects. |
[GET] | /schedule/:id/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . |
[POST] | /schedule/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . Creates a schedule. |
[POST] | /schedule/sessions/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . Creates a session. |
[PUT] | /schedule/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . Updates specific schedule. |
[DELETE] | /schedule/:id/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . Deletes specific schedule. |
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /children/ | Returns an array filled with event objects. |
[GET] | /children/:id/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . |
[GET] | /children/:id/enrollments | Returns an array filled with event objects with the specified id . |
[POST] | /children/:id/enrollments | Returns the event object with the specified id . Enrolls a student. |
[POST] | /children/ | Returns the event object with the specified user_id . Creates a student. |
[PUT] | /children/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . Updates a student. |
[PUT] | /children/enrollments/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . Updates a student's enrollments. |
[DELETE] | /children/:id/ | Returns the event object with the specified inbox_id . Delete's specific student. |
[DELETE] | /children/enrollments/:id | Returns the event object with the specified id . Unenrolls student from course. |
Method | URL | Description |
[GET] | /newsfeed/ | Returns an array filled with event objects. |
[GET] | /newsfeed/:id/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . |
[POST] | /newsfeed/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . Creates a new obect. |
[PUT] | /newsfeed/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . Updates specific object. |
[DELETE] | /newsfeed/:id/ | Returns the event object with the specified id . Deletes specific object. |