Twatter application that contains the mvp features of a twitter.
- Login
- Register
- Logout
- Create, Like, Reply and Retweet Post
- Create, Like, Reply and Retweet Post Notification
- Delete own post
- 1 to 1 chat with notification
- Group chat with notification
- Message pagination
- Update user profile image
- Update user banner image
- Recommend to follow users
- Follow/unfollow user
- Nextjs
- Typescript
- Tailwind css
- React router dom
- Redux
- Redux Observables
- express
- Typescript
- Mongodb
- Socket IO
- Nginx
- Docker
- Docker compose
- Github Actions
Use the env.example file to know which variable is needed from firebase.
cp .env.example .env
yarn start
App runs by default at http://localhost:3030
Install lazydocker on your system. This tool can help visualise container logs.