A package housing a collection of R Functions for the Analysis of Passive Acoustic Telemetry Data Collected by VEMCO Acoustic Tracking Equipment
The 'VTrack' package was built to facilitate the assimilation, analysis and synthesis of animal location data collected by the VEMCO (Innovasea) suite of acoustic transmitters and receivers. As well as database and visualisation capabilities, 'VTrack' also provides functions to identify ecologically relevant events from tag detection and sensor data (e.g. residence, movements, diving, surfacing events). This procedure condenses the acoustic detection database by orders of magnitude, greatly enhancing the synthesis of acoustic detection data.
The development version of the VTrack
package is available via this Github page:
A brief overview of VTrack functions and its use can be found here
VTrack version >2 now hosts the Animal Tracking Toolbox (ATT). The ATT calculates standardised metrics of dispersal and activity space to enable direct comparisons between animals tracked within the same study and between studies or locations. The functions use tag detection data alongside tag metadata and receiver station information to calculate standardised movement and activity space metrics.
A brief user guide and walk through for the new ATT operations can be found here.
To cite the VTrack
package in publications use:
Campbell HA, Watts ME, Dwyer RG, Franklin CE (2012) V-Track: software for analysing and visualising animal movement from acoustic telemetry detections, Marine and Freshwater Research 63(9):815-820. doi: 10.1071/MF12194
To cite the Animal Tracking Toolbox operations within the VTrack
package use:
Udyawer V, Dwyer RG, Hoenner X, Babcock RC, Brodie S, Campbell HA, Harcourt RG, Huveneers C, Jaine FRA, Simpfendorfer CA, Taylor MD, Heupel MR (2018) A standardised framework for analysing animal detections from automated tracking arrays. Animal Biotelemetry 6(1):17. doi: 10.1186/s40317-018-0162-2