You have to install on your computer Python 3.x and these libraries with the command below
pip install discord django nest-asyncio pytube PyNaCl ffmpeg
you have to add to token
First on db/django_key.txt
where you add your django secret key
Second on token.txt
where you add your discord bot token
and then you have to create a database with django.
finally check you have installed the program ffmpeg from and change the executable path from
Now you can run the from the file
!play <link on youtube or sometext>
Search the music save it on the database and after bot play it on the voice chat, if the bot is playing a song he add the song to a queue
Show the queue of song bot have to play
Discord bot join the voice channel
Discord bot leave the voice channel
if bot is playing a song he stop
if bot was stopped while playing a song, he resume
Discord bot go on the next song in the queue