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Marco Brandizi edited this page Feb 4, 2023 · 6 revisions

Default labels

Every PG node created by rdf2pg tools must have at least a default label, to which further labels can be added. There a default value for such label, 'Resource', which can be changed via the configuration property defaultNodeLabel:

  <bean id = "defaultNodeLabel" class = "java.lang.String">
    <constructor-arg value = "ItemNode" />

ID Converters

Labels, relation types and node/relation property names can be converted from URIs or literals. We have a simple default converter that does that. You can define your own converter and configure it via Spring, by using the beans named nodeLabelIdConverter, relationIdConverter, propertyIdConverter. For instance:

     Must be a class implementing java.util.function.Function<String, String>, which takes a IRI and returns an identifier.
     If your class needs config values, either in the constructor or via bean setters, you can use the usual Spring syntax to pass them.  
  <bean id = "nodeLabelIdConverter" class = "my.package.MyCustomIdConverter" />

An example of how a new converter might be:

public class DefaultIri2IdConverter implements Function<String, String>
  public String apply ( String iri )
    String prefix = IRIUtils.prefix ( iri );
    String id = IRIUtils.lastFragment ( iri ); // possibly the whole IRI
    return prefix == null ? id : prefix + ":" + id; // i.e., a CURIE
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