A Julia package for Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (BPMF).
You can install BPMF.jl running the following commands.
- Into The Pkg REPL-mode
- Enter the key
on the Julia REPL.
- Install the package
- Enter the following commond.
(v1.0) pkg> add https://github.com/RottenFruits/BPMF.jl
This package is implementation bayesian probabilistic matrix factorization (BPMF).
Supported features:
- Gibbs sampling algorithm
- Variational Inference Algorithm
Here are examples.
At first read package and generate data.
using BPMF
R = [
0 0 7;
0 1 6;
0 2 7;
0 3 4;
0 4 5;
0 5 4;
1 0 6;
1 1 7;
1 3 4;
1 4 3;
1 5 4;
2 1 3;
2 2 3;
2 3 1;
2 4 1;
3 0 1;
3 1 2;
3 2 2;
3 3 3;
3 4 3;
3 5 4;
4 0 1;
4 2 1;
4 3 2;
4 4 3;
4 5 3;
Following example is gibbs sampling algorithm.
N = length(unique(R[:, 1])) #number of unique users
M = length(unique(R[:, 2])) #number of unique items
D = 3 #number of latent dimensions
T = 100 #number of iterations
U = [] #user's latent factor
V = [] #item's latent factor
α = 2 #hyper parameter
β₀ = 2 #hyper parameter
μ₀ = 0 #hyper parameter
ν₀ = D #hyper parameter
W₀ = one(zeros(D, D)) #hyper parameter
gibbs_model = BPMF.GBPMFModel(R, N, M, D, T, U, V, α, β₀, μ₀, ν₀, W₀)
#predict new data
bi = 10 #burn-in
BPMF.predict(gibbs_model, R, bi)
Following example is variational inference algorithm.
N = length(unique(R[:, 1])) #number of unique users
M = length(unique(R[:, 2])) #number of unique items
D = 3 #number of latent dimensions
L = 10 #number of iterations
U = [] #user's latent factor
V = [] #item's latent factor
τ² = 1 #hyper parameter
σ² = [] #hyper parameter
ρ² = [] #hyper parameter
variational_model = BPMF.VBPMFModel(R, N, M, D, L, U, V, τ², σ², ρ²)
#predict new data
BPMF.predict(variational_model, R)
Salakhutdinov, Ruslan, and Andriy Mnih. "Bayesian probabilistic matrix factorization using Markov chain Monte Carlo." Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning. ACM, 2008.
Lim, Yew Jin, and Yee Whye Teh. "Variational Bayesian approach to movie rating prediction." Proceedings of KDD cup and workshop. Vol. 7. 2007.
LIVESENSE Data Analytics Blog, BPMF(Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization)によるレコメンド, https://analytics.livesense.co.jp/entry/2017/12/05/105618