- Team: Lynx
- Members: Zhuo Ying Jiang Li, Shumeng Liu, Tao Huang, Yuxin Hong, Tung-sen Wu
- Deployed to Heroku: https://warm-headland-19695.herokuapp.com/
- Administrative interface login url (the user needs to be an admin to be able to login as an administrative user, otherwise the page will not be found): https://warm-headland-19695.herokuapp.com/admin/login
Steps to access the admin panel:
- Log in using the Administrative user credentials (email/password), doing step 2 without this would result in a 404 page.
- Go to the admin link stated above. Alternatively, click on the "Admin Area" button at the top-right corner of the navigation bar (this button is only visible when you are logged in as an admin).
- Enter the correct admin passphrase (admin area passphrase), and you are ready to go!
Normal User
Email: roland.budka@gmail.com
Password: jkrolling2001
Administrative User
Email: tom.waterson@gmail.com
Password: SEGproj3ctover
Admin Area passphrase: 4dminLynx!123
Bootstrap CSS (via CDN)
FontAwesome icons
Google Fonts
- Lato, sans-serif
- Abhaya Libre, serif
- Merriweather, serif
- Assistant, sans-serif
- Open Sans, sans-serif
- Devise: for authentication of users
- Rubocop: for code standard checking
- Rufo and htmlbeatifier: code styling/formatter
- Kramdown: render markdown
- Simplecov: code coverage report generator
- Rails-controller-testing: use for testing controller tests
- Minitest-reporters: rails testing support
- Caxlsx: generate XLS documents
- Chartjs: display charts
https://v4.bootcss.com/docs/examples/dashboard/ in app/views/dashboard/_navbar.html.erb. Number of lines of reused code: 64
git clone <repo-url>
cd lynx
bundle install # install gems
rake db:create # create DB
rake db:migrate # migrations
rake db:seed # IMPORTANT!
rails s # start the server at localhost:3000
Generate code coverage report:
rm -rf coverage/ && DISABLE_SPRING=1 COVERAGE=1 rails test
Run without generating coverage report:
rails test
- Use a branch apart (with a meaningful name)
- Pull requests to the main branch should be reviewed by at least 1 member
- Raise issues actively
- Use test driven development (we will not merge requests without unit tests)