This is port of pyzeroconf to asyncio. It is based on pyzeroconf, Multicast DNS Service Discovery for Python, originally by Paul Scott-Murphy (, modified by William McBrine ( This port was written by François Wautier (
The original William McBrine's fork note:
This fork is used in all of my TiVo-related projects: HME for Python (and therefore HME/VLC), Network Remote, Remote Proxy, and pyTivo. Before this, I was tracking the changes for in three separate repos. I figured I should have an authoritative source. Although I make changes based on my experience with TiVos, I expect that they're generally applicable. This version also includes patches found on the now-defunct (?) Launchpad repo of pyzeroconf, and elsewhere around the net -- not always well-documented, sorry.
Compatible with:
- Bonjour
- Avahi
Compared to some other Zeroconf/Bonjour/Avahi Python packages, python-zeroconf:
- isn't tied to Bonjour or Avahi
- doesn't use D-Bus
- is pip-installable
- CPython 3.5+
- Pypy 3.5
This project's versions follow the following pattern: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.
- MAJOR version has been 0 so far
- MINOR version is incremented on backward incompatible changes
- PATCH version is incremented on backward compatible changes
It is the very beginning. I plan to use this in a project.
Compare to the original package, a number of method have become coroutines.
- PyPI page
- GitHub project
The easiest way to install aiozeroconf is using pip:
pip3 install aiozeroconf
Here's an example of browsing for a service:
import asyncio
from aiozeroconf import ServiceBrowser, Zeroconf
async def do_close(zc):
await zc.close()
class MyListener(object):
def remove_service(self, zeroconf, type_, name):
print("Service %s removed" % (name,))
def add_service(self, zeroconf, type_, name):
asyncio.ensure_future(self.found_service(zeroconf, type_, name))
async def found_service(self, zeroconf, type_, name):
info = await zeroconf.get_service_info(type_, name)
print("Adding {}".format(info))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
zeroconf = Zeroconf(loop)
listener = MyListener()
browser = ServiceBrowser(zeroconf, "_http._tcp.local.", listener)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Discovery and service registration use all available network interfaces by default and both IPv4 and IPv6. If you want to customize that you need to specify:
: a list containing netifaces.AF_NET and/or netiface.AF_INET6
: the name of the interface (e.g. "lo", "eth0")
when constructing Zeroconf
object (see the code for details).
If you don't know the name of the service you need to browse for, try:
import asyncio
from aiozeroconf import Zeroconf, ZeroconfServiceTypes
async def list_service(zc):
los = await ZeroconfServiceTypes.find(zc,timeout=0.5)
print ("Found {}".format(los))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
zc = Zeroconf(loop)
See examples directory for more.
You can also run the module with:
python3 -m aiozeroconf -h
or directly:
aiozeroconf -h
Try -h for help
- Correctly handle multiple interfaces.
- All unit test running
- Travis-ci works but IPv6 unit tests had to be disabled
- When running the module, -f will list available services.
- ...
^ First version * Not all unit test work yet
GPL, see COPYING file for details.