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Folder workflow guide

Ruben edited this page Oct 19, 2023 · 3 revisions

Folder workflow guide

Description of usage

We use a specific workflow with folders were we work in one folder, keep backups, and push and pull with GitHub in another folder. We decided to use this method because of the following benefits.

  • Cherry picking With separate folders, we can change the contents of the launch folder without disturbing our work folder.
  • Safety We can also choose which files to copy and replace, and safely pull new versions from GitHub without overwriting our project. It works as a safety buffer to prevent unwanted changes.

Workflow to launch changes

  1. Have a folder to contain the current project (the 'shunji-railways' folder), a folder to store versions and a separate folder connected to the main branch. The project folder and launch folder need to stay separate to avoid problems overwriting, cherry picking updates and such while working on the project.

Creating the folders

  • Current project folder: Download the most recent 'shunji-railways' folder from the GitHub homepage, or create a folder named as such. Place it inside the 'htdocs' folder of the XAMPP directory.
  • Version folder: Create any folder that is recognizable as a version folder.
  • GitHub launch folder: Create any folder, and clone the 'Shunji-Railways-GitHub' into the folder. You should end up with a folder named 'Shunji- Railways-GitHub' inside the launch folder, containing the '.github' files, and a 'shunji-railways' folder.
  1. Work on the project inside the current project 'shunji-railways' folder.
  2. If the changes are done, copy the 'shunji-railways' folder and replace the old 'shunji-railways' folder inside the GitHub launch folder. You can also replace some files, by replacing the old ones from the launch folder with the newer ones.
  3. If its a release or a milestone, also create a new version folder inside the versions folder, and paste the files into it.
  4. Open the GitHub launch folder in VS code, and push the new code to the GitHub website.

Make sure the launch folder contains the newest GitHub stable version, or else GitHub website markdown will be lost