This is all the code you will need to be able to follow along with my presentation on Iterators & Generators in PHP.
- With some interesting applications I have discovered along the way.
- Working examples
- DockerFiles for both PHP56 and PHP7
git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update
Requires Docker to be installed already!
PHP7 Sorry this is larger, it's my dev build including debugging extras
# Clone in
git clone
# Go to the image of your choice
cd Looping/docker/php7-cli
# Run the build script which pulls the image and builds it
# And wait, for everything to complete.
# Clone in
git clone
# Go to the image of your choice
cd Looping/docker/php56-cli
# Run the build script which pulls the image and builds it
# And wait, for everything to complete.
Iterators 101, by Stefan Froelich:
This was largely inspired by an article I read written by Nikita Popov regaring PHP Generators and Iterators: