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My configuration.nix

For some weird reason you decided to look at my configuration and are thinking about taking stuff from it. If you want to use it, go through it and take inspiration from it. But do not copy paste it as it needs to be personalized and will only work for me.

If you find something wrong in the configs, please let me know using a bug report or issue.

NOTE: The configuration.nix wont break your system, but the configs listed here aren’t completed yet.

The etc folder

The configs in this folder go into the /etc folder. The /etc folder hosts system-wide configs.

Dunst is a lightweight notification utility. The changes I have made:

Set monitor to 0 (1 monitor setup)

Set width and height to 300 (pixels)

Set the place for the notifications to top right

Instead of displaying the notification completely top right, it displays it 10 pixels left and 50 pixels down from the corner

Added a bit of colour to the notifications

Made font monospace

The home folder

The home folder contains configs that go into your /home/username folder.


The .bashrc file contains a startup script when you open up a terminal. The changes I have made:

Checks for interactivity and doesn’t load the rest of the script if not interactive

Makes ls colourful

Defines the string you get before typing a command as “user@hostname”

Exports the editor as emacs

Runs neofetch because who doesn’t like to see neofetch

Enables using the touchpad while typing. Can be helpful for playing games but also the opposite sometimes.

If I login in the first tty (the tty it throws you into after booting) it will autostart xmonad. This is required because I do not use a desktop manager.

Exports the path of Node Version Manager

Exports the path of binaries compiled for just the user

Exports the ghcup path

Starts fish (I do not know how to configure fish so using a bashrc to do everything and then start fish with all the env setup is easier)

.emacs.d folder

The folder contains the init and config files for emacs. It is written in elisp. See the README in that folder for more info.

.minecraft folder

This folder is used for minecraft settings, resourcepacks, shaderpacks and mods. Stuff I have changed:

Using fabric and fabric api

Using sodium, lithium and phosphorus to increase fps

Using dokucraft as a resourcepack

Changed controls

.Spacevim folder, .Spacevim.d folder, .vim folder, vim folder

These folders are used to configure Spacevim and vim

.vscode folder

Used for configuring vscode. Stuff I have changed:

Installed a hydroxy theme which looks pretty cool

Installed Material Icon Theme

Installed these extensions:

Auto close tag for HTML
Auto complete tag for HTML
Auto rename tag for HTML
Beautify code
Better C++ Syntax
Better comments
Colour picker for CSS
Formatter Hero
Github Codespaces
Github Copilot
Github Repositories
Gitlab Workflow
Google complete me
Google search
Haskell GHCi
Haskell Syntax Highlighting
Haskell Linter
HTML Boilerplate
HTML Snippets
HTML Tag Wrapper
Inline Bookmark
Jupyter Keymaps
Jupyter Notebook Renderer
Live Server
Node.js Modules Intellisense
Nodejs Modules Snippet
Nodejs Snippets
npm Intellisense
Paste JSON as code
Path Intellisense
Remote - Containers
Remote - SSH
Remote - SSH: Editing Configuration Files
Remote - WSL
Remote Development
Settings Sync
Synk Security
Solidity Contract Flattener
Solidity Debugger
Solidity Extended
Solidity Language and Themes
Solidity Visual Developer
Svelte 3 snippets
Svelte Intellisense
Tabnine AI Autocomplete
Tabnine CSS Intellisense
Tailwind Shades
Todo Tree
Virutal Documents Spy
HTML Preview

Wallpapers folder

Contains wallpapers for XMonad


This file contains what xorg should run when startx is called. I have made it so that it starts XMonad.

.xmonad folder

This folder contains xmonad config files. Xmonad is a window manager written in haskell and configured in Haskell.

The .config folder

Hosts more config files

eww folder

Eww is a widget utility that allows you to implement widgets in any window manager.


Greenclip is a clipboard utility. Changes I have made are as follows:

Enabled Image Support

Enabled a history file

Enabled an image cache directory

mpv folder

This is the config folder for mpv, a video player. Yes you can even configure a video player!

neofetch folder

This changes how neofetch displays output. Changes I have made:

Disabled HOST

Disabled Resolution

Disabled CPU

Disabled GPU

Enabled Memory

Enabled Disk

Enabled Battery

Disabled Kernel Shorthand

Enabled Memory Percentage

Made it show disk percentage of root and efi partitions

Made it display the old redhat logo because I think its cool

nvim folder

This folder has nvim configs


Picom is a compositor which does half the work of a window manager and is used to customize the look and feel of a window manager.


Qtile is a window manager written in python.


Qutebrowser is a browser which uses the WebKitQt engine written in Python. It is as fast as chromium while being ligtweight and having vim-like keybindings.


Rofi is an app launcher. Changes I have made:

Set the theme to Arc-Dark

Set the font to Fira Code 22


Tint2 is a panel for system tray and other stuff.

Thats it!


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