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Platform game with a physics engine from scratch, menu and player GUI, and music + graphics integration.

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2D Physics Engine - RGB-FinalProject

The Program in Action

This is the player moving in the game:

GamePlay GIF

This is the Main Menu:

Main Menu GIF


This was a group project in Java for my AP Computer Science class. It is platform game with a physics engine built from scratch, menu and player GUI, and graphics and music integration.

The following concepts were implemented:

  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Linking Multiple Java Files
  • Interfaces + Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Public/Private methods
  • JavaFX + Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • Custom Graphics/Image generation + Pixel manipulation
  • Custom Music integration
  • User Input/Output with Menus and buttons
  • File Input/Output
  • Multi-dimensional arrays
  • Random Generation
  • Handling of Player's Physics

This project creates a JavaFX application and creates a platform game with levels for the user to play on, menus for user to choose various options like music, volume, their character, screen size. The program moves throughout the game, with the screen following the user's movements. The premise of the game is that the player has to make it out of the rooms they are stuck in. Lining the paths in front of them, are red, green, and blue walls. Hitting a red wall kills you, a blue wall acts like a trampoline, and you can stick to green walls. Use jumping, running, walking, and your skills to make it through all the levels.

How to run the progam and play

  1. Make a folder to hold the repository
  2. Clone the project: % git clone
  3. Make sure you have Java and JavaFX installed
  4. Compile and run the code. The main (start) method is the file.

How it works

Generating the Levels

Different .png files were created for each of the blocks. A software called Tiled was used to organize the blocks into positions to make the final png for each sector/level. The innovative part is that a array was created with a different numerical value for each of the blocks. For example a block with an upwards facing red wall could have a value of 1, and an upwards facing blue wall could have a value of 2. Such values were created for every block in the game. Since each sector has it's own png file, a collisionArray was generated containing the values organized in the same order as in the image.

The Physics Engine and moving the Player

Since the pixel length and width of each block is known, based on the position of the image of the player, it is determined if the player is colliding with a wall or not. Based on the collision status and the type of block being interacted with, the appropriate reaction is performed and animated. The collisionArray is heavily relied on. For the friction and gravity, arbitrary numbers were assigned to calculate the acceleration due to gravity and the normal force. This allows for realistic movements. It should also be highlighted that the when moving side to side, the player does not instantly reach top speed or stop, since friction is applied. This adds to the realistic movements.

The arrow keys are used for moving the player. The JavaFX library was used for this. An event handler was created to call appropriate functions for the different arrows. And an animation timer was used to time the display of the image.

When playing the game it is noticeable that when the player moves, it is not just a picture of a player being dragged across the screen, rather there is animation of the action of running and jumping. This effect is created by generating a set of images, a different one for each snapshot of a person's position in a cycle of running. Different images are displayed based on the time in the running, and this makes it look like a real person running with moving arms and legs.

Moving the Screen and loading Images

The JavaFX library was used to display the many images in the game. So the ImageView, Geometry, Image, Event, Position, Layout, Blur, Stage, ToggleButton, and more classes were used to display the image of the sector, superimpose the image of the player and move the player. One important element of this project was moving the screen along the sector as the player moved. So the screen was moved in the created window relative to the user's position. While the user was in a certain range in the middle, the screen did not move, towards the edges, the screen was moved accordingly.

When the player finishes one of the sectors/levels, the next sector is displayed, and a victory screen is shown after all the levels are complete.

The Menus

For the Menus, similar classes from the JavaFX library were used to create the menu. Special graphics were used to make custom images of the buttons, signs/labels, colors, and backgrounds for the menu screens. The initial menu displayed allows the user to see the game backstory, the credits, how to play instructions, choose their character to play with, volume of the music and start the game. There are submenus according to the these actions.

Structure of the Project

More specific guidelines and can be found in the UML Pseudocode file.

Wall (interface) - This interface declares the method that the walls in the program will use, like interacting with the left, right, floor and ceiling

NormalWall, RedWall, BlueWall, GreenWall - These classes all implement the Wall interface. The implement the methods about interacting with the four sides. Normal wall is normal, red kills, blue is a trampoline, and green is sticky.

Movable (interface) - This interface defines the properties of any player or enemy that can move. It declares variables like position, velocity, the methods to change these and update the animation of the image

Player - This implements the Movable interface and also holds the image for the specific character image that the player chooses.

Environment - This class is for the actual level/sector/environment the player is on and is displayed on the screen. It holds the image, the collisionsArray for that image and has the methods for determining if being at a certain position would be a collision and what type

Game - This is the overarching class in the program. It creates objects of all the classes listed above (initializes variables). It creates the JavaFX application for displaying the game with the sectors and the player. It handles the user's arrow key presses to move the player and determines if movements are collisions, gets type, and animates the collision. It handles the physics engine with the gravity and friction implementations along with the running and jumping animations. It also moves the screen appropriately, changes the sector when one is done and shows the victory screen if the end is reached.

MainMenu - This has the initial menu. This is where the program starts and where the game is began. It provides the option of seeing credits, how to play, music slider, and allows player to select their character and start the actual game. It has submenus included in it.

Music - This class is used by MainMenu to run the custom music created for the game.

The Game Plot

Year 2050, humanity suffers from a catasrophic nuclear apocalypse. As the last survivor on Earth, you search for a way to go back in time to prevent the destruction of humanity. As you are wandering through a dingy wasteland, you encounter a Time Machine Laboratory in the mountains. You enter the lab and discover that if you pass a series of tests known as the RGB sectors, you will be able to back in time and stop the nuclear apocalypse from occurring. Go and save our world if you can little hero!


Platform game with a physics engine from scratch, menu and player GUI, and music + graphics integration.






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