This script is a collection of tools for exporting and importing stuff in After Effects.
(includes sponsors from Github and Patreon)
- You can find a lot of information and documentation from our website:
- Comprehensive Documentation of DuIO:
- User forum:
- Developer and user chat:
- Animations in an open JSON format)
- Composition to Adobe Audition, keeping separate audio files
- Animations from an open JSON format
- TVPaint clips: layers, blending modes, labels, exposure...
- TVPaint cameras and their animation
- Krita animations: layers, blending modes, exposure...
- Storyboarder storyboards: boards, shots, layers, notes, dialogs, sound...
This script is a part of and uses DuAEF, the Duduf After Effects Framework.
Contact us (see the links above) if you need any help to use it or to contribute to these tools.