This project is licensed under the GNU GPL-3.0 License
The Lima Telemetry project is a solution to gathering telemetry data from your customers/clients.
This project is currently in open-beta and will be getting fast updates.
Currently, only Windows, Linux, and macOS executables are published. If you would like another OS possibly supported, please open an issue!
1: Download the latest executable for your operating system from the repository's Release tab.
2: Execute the executable on a server or your own desktop to start the server.
If you are running this on a server, make sure to port forward it
3: Send data to the server using the parameters of os,arch,totalmem or use [lima-client]{}
Server operates on port 2525
An official lima Javascript library is in development and will be released soon1
Currently the software is in early beta / proof of concept
If you are to use this, there is no authentication aka everyone and anyone can send data to your Lima server
I plan to add authentication and a sort of dashboard for managing and gathering data
If you find an issue, please open an issue on the repository
If you would like to contribute, you can fork this repository and make your changes. You can then open a PR(Pull request)
Log Retriving
Console and Web Dashboard
& more!