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Package Description

alf (the module) runs adaptive landscape flattening (ALF - the method) to optimize bias potentials in a lambda dynamics molecular dynamics simulation. These optimized bias potentials significantly improve the efficiency of lambda dynamics, and are required as a starting point for most modern lambda dynamics simulations. This README contains information on installation, examples, algorithms, best practices, python routines, input specification, bug reporting, and citations.


Detailed installation instructions are available in INSTALL. Briefly, you will need to compile code in alf/wham and alf/dca, and then use pip install to install the alf module into a python virtual environment.


Detailed instructions for how to run examples are available in examples/INSTRUCTIONS. Briefly, you should copy a directory with scripts for your particular engine from examples/engines, and then copy a directory from examples/systems into that directory and rename it prep.


ALF runs cycles of molecular dynamics followed by flattening to itteratively improve biasing potentials.

Molecular dynamics in the alf software is performed by an external molecular dynamics engine which must be compiled and installed independently. The currently supported engines are:

  • charmm : the CHARMM software package utilizing the DOMDEC GPU ONLY command for GPU acceleration
  • bladelib : the CHARMM software package utilizing the BLaDE library for GPU acceleration. BLaDE is faster that DOMDEC, but has fewer features
  • blade : the standalone BLaDE software package
  • pycharmm : the python pyCHARMM package using CHARMM as a library to call BLaDE These engines may be passed to alf routines to specify the engine, because some routines have slight differences based on the engine used. Use of other molecular dynamics engines in CHARMM is possible, including engines that do not use GPUs, see instructions at the end of INSTALL. Use of other engines will require more extensive modification of alf.

Sampling will be optimal when the free energy landscape is flat, so flattening seeks to identify the biases that give flat free energy profiles along several 1D and 2D reaction coordinate projections. Lambda trajectories are first copied from the format output by the engine, then energies of several recent trajectories are computed using all combinations of biases so that a single model of the energy landscape may be produced by reweighting samples with WHAM/MBAR. This reweighted model is typically more robust because it includes information from several trajectories run at different biases. Free energy profiles are computed from this reweighted ensemble as a function of each lambda, transitioning from one lambda to another, and as a function of two lambdas. A linear model of how changes in any bias parameter will change any profile is computed, and from this linear model a quadratic penalty function is computed that penalizes deviations of the free energy profiles from their average values. This penalty function is optimized to give changes in each of the bias parameters, which are then used in the next round of molecular dynamics.

Best Practices

An ideal workflow is shown in the file within the examples/engines directory.

ALF goes through many cycles of sampling the system and then estimating improved bias parameters. Cycles are indexed by integer. In a particular cycle, for example 3, simulations will be run and lambda trajectories recorded in run3, then analysis will be performed in analysis3. The previous values of the biases b (phi), c (psi), x (chi), and s (omega) are copied from analysis2/b_sum.dat into analysis3/b_prev.dat, the estimated changes are saved to analysis3/b.dat, and updated values are saved to analysis3/b_sum.dat and copied into a format readable by the engine for the next run in variables4.inp.

The first step is to run alf.initialize to set up the analysis0 directory and variables1.inp required by the first run.

The second step is to begin running flattening with alf.runflat with many short 100 ps runs. The purpose of this step is to get the biases close to the correct values. Usually the starting guesses of 0 generated by alf.initialize are off by dozens to hundreds of kcal/mol, and very short simulations are desirable to get them close to the correct value with minimal computational effort. For very bad biases the direction of the change is quite obvious, but one should not change biases by more than a few kcal/mol because only the bottom few kcal/mol of basins can be sampled and the shape of the free energy profiles beyond this is unknown. Consequently, many short cycles of flattening are run for 100 ps with alf.runflat. Discarding the first quarter of alchemical simulations (in this case 25 ps) for equilibration typically gives the best results. The number of cycles required varies by system, and while a halting procedure has been proposed, it has not been implemented in this package. These short simulations are cheap, so running extra is not a significant waste. 50 cycles is often sufficient for small hydrophobic groups, but generally 100 cycles is safer. Arginine perturbations typically require 200 cycles to get close to flat. Convergence can be assessed by running alf.PlotFreeEnergy5 on the final analysis directory to check if the profiles are flat. Generally you want to see sampling all the way accross the profiles with no large unsampled gaps. It doesn't matter if they're not perfectly flat, but everything should be thermodynamically accessible.

The third step is to run a few more cycles of flattening with alf.runflat, but using somewhat longer simulations of 1 ns to refine the biases. Again, the first quarter of the simulations is discarded for equilibration. Typically 10 cycles is sufficient here.

The fourth step is to begin running production using alf.runprod followed by analysis with alf.postprocess. Typically 5 duplicate independent trials are run with alf.runprod in production using the same biases to estimate statistical variability. Often as a simulation runs longer, new parts of phase space are visited that shift the balance between alchemical states. Consequently it is advisable to ramp up to the final production simulation using rounds of shorter production and postprocessing to refine the biases, typically by factors of 4-5. Thus if 100 ns is required to sample a system well, it is advised to run 5 copies of 5 ns production and postprocessing, followed by 5 copies of 20 ns of production and postprocessing, followed by 5 copies of 100 ns of production and postprocessing. For solvation free energies, 10-20 ns is sufficient. For well behaved protein point mutations 40 ns is sufficient, for poorly behaved protein point mutations and several simultaneous protein mutations 100 ns is sufficient, for massive protein chemical spaces 400 ns has been required, for easy ligand binding perturbations 10 ns is sufficient, though for challenging ligands 30-60 ns can be advisable, and some massive ligand chemical spaces have required more sampling.

alf.postprocess with create a file called Results.txt in the corresponding analysis directory giving dG, the chemical free energy change in that ensemble. To obtain the relative ddG, take the difference between this dG and the dG in another ensemble determined with another run of ALF.

Charge changing perturbations: charge changing perturbations introduce significant errors into alchemical simulations. Some of these errors are due to missing physics, e.g. polarizability, but some are due to factors that can be accurately calculated. For initially neutral boxes using PME electrostatics, the largest of these factors is the discrete solvent correction. alf will estimate this correction and automatically include it in Results.txt IF a key 'q' is placed in the alf_info dictionary with a corresponding value that is a python list of the net charge of every substituent or alchemical group.

Substituents per site: we haven't yet successfully exceeded 9 substituents at a site, because with more substituents, more time is spent in irrelevant alchemical intermediates, so consider that an upper bound. Try to limit it to six substituents per site. If you care about more chemical space, try splitting between multiple systems with a common reference substituent. If you need more substituents and can't cut down the system, e.g. you care about more than 6 substituents and their combinations at several sites, reach out to the developers. There may be options under development that are not polished enough for public distribution.

Number of sites and Potts model estimator: in principle lambda dynamics can include as many sites as desired, but in practice, the histogram based estimator used by alf.postprocess can't robustly make estimates for more than 100-500 points in chemical space because every physical point in chemical space must be visited. The Potts model estimator assumes that free energies can be decomposed into single site terms that depend only on the substituent identity at each site and two body terms that account for coupling between all pairs of sites. Three body and higher order terms are assumed to be zero. This approximation is reasonable in many systems and significantly reduces sampling requirements, making it possible to estimate free energies for tens of thousands of sequences. To use the Potts model estimator, run alf.postprocess first, then see the examples in examples/engines/PottsLM and examples/engines/PottsPLM. PottsLM uses likelihood maximization, best for systems with less than a million chemical end states, and PottsPLM uses pseudolikelihood maximization, best for systems with more than a million chemical end states. These use routines defined in alf/dca.

Coupling between sites: if you have multiple sites, it is possible these site may interact strongly, and efficiently sampling your system may require adding biases that modulate the coupling between sites. The "ntersite" named argument may be passed to alf.runflat and alf.postprocess to modulate how alf handles coupling. By default, the [0,0] value of ntersite ignores coupling. The first element of coupling determines whether coupling biases are adjusted. A value of 0 means no intersite biases are included, a value of 1 means c, x, and s intersite biases are adjusted, and a value of 2 only adjusts c biases because this significantly reduces the overhead of adaptive landscape flattening calculations for large numbers of sites, and because intersite x and s values tend to be very small. The second element controls whether 2D free energy profiles binning lambda at two different sites are used during flattening. 1 computes these profiles, 0 does not. The short alf.runflat flattening runs typically do not sample enough alchemical space to make robust estimates of the coupling biases, so [0,1] is recommended during these initial flattening runs if significant coupling is expected to be present. The longer runs during preliminary production runs analyzed by alf.postprocess can make better estimates of coupling, so [2,1] is recommended during these cycles if significant coupling is present. Note this means that the coupling won't begin to be accounted for until the second production simulation using biases from the first is run.

Python Routines

Python routines and the alf module are documented using docstrings. To read this documentation for the entire module, after installation run

python -c "import alf; help(alf)"

or to read it for a routine like alf.runflat run

python -c "import alf; help(alf.runflat)"

You may also find this documentation for the module in alf/ and where the routine is defined in alf/, respectively.

Input Specification

alf routines assume the existence of several files within a directory called prep. This directory contains all the system specific infomation needed by alf to run lambda dynamics on a specific system. A soft link or symbolic link will be created inside every single run directory so that the engine can access it from that directory. this file sets up a python dictionary called alf_info for alf and should include the following keys: alf_info={} # initialize dictionary

  • nsubs : a list of the number of alchemical groups at each site. Thus if you are considering 6 alternative functional groups on a small molecule, nsubs is [6]. If you are considering 3 modifications at one site and 7 at a second site, nsubs is [3,7]. If you are considering the free energies of mutating a protein from its native sequence of methionine to lysine or leucine, nsubs is [3] for the native and two mutations. If you are considering alternating between the native sequence and one candidate mutation combinatorially at 15 sites, nsubs is [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2].
  • nblocks : the total number of lambda variables, or the sum of nsubs alf_info['nblocks']=np.sum(alf_info['nsubs'])
  • name : the (case sensitive) name of the system. msld_flat.inp and msld_prod.inp will look for prep/name.inp to stream to set up the system.
  • temp : the temperature to run the system at in Kelvin. To use room temperature: alf_info['temp']=298.15
  • enginepath : a string with the full absolute path to the lambda dynamics engine executable
  • nreps : the number of replicas to use. Without replica exchange, set to 1. alf_info['nreps']=1
  • ncentral : another replica exchange feature. This is the "central" potential, i.e. the replica you want to flatten. Without replica exchange it should be 0. alf_info['ncentral']=0
  • nnodes : determines the number of GPUs to use. Gains for using multiple GPUs are generally modest so unless time is of the essence and GPUs are abundant, one GPU generally gives the best throughput. alf_info['nnodes']=1
  • q : a list of length nblocks containing the net charge of every alchemical group. This is used to compute the discrete solvent charge changing correction. If missing, no charge changing correction will be applied.

name.inp: This file should include everything from loading force field parameters to setting up the system, initial conditions, periodic boundary conditions, and alchemical regions. Any supporting files required should also be placed in and read from the prep directory. Setting nonbonded options and running dynamics are controlled by the scripts (msld_flat.inp and msld_prod.inp) that read name.inp. This file must also include code to add the biases determined by alf to the potential, otherwise alf will keep adjusting the biases, but sampling will not improve. The following code will read the biases set by alf.SetVars in the BLOCK section of charmm and bladelib engine input files.

calc nbiaspot = 5 * ( @nblocks * ( @nblocks - 1 ) ) / 2
ldbi @nbiaspot
set ibias = 1
set iblock = 0
set si = 1
label loop5
if @si .le. @nsites then
   set jblock = @iblock
   set sj = @si
   label loop5b
   if @sj .le. @nsites then
      set ii = 1
      label loop6
      if @ii .le. @nsubs@@{si} then
         calc ip1 = @ii + 1 + @iblock
         set jj = 1
         if @si .eq. @sj then
            calc jj = @ii + 1
         label loop7
         if @jj .le. @nsubs@@{sj} then
            calc jp1 = @jj + 1 + @jblock
            if @si .eq. @sj then
               adex @ip1 @jp1

            ldbv @ibias @ip1 @jp1 6 0.0 @cs@@{si}s@@{ii}s@@{sj}s@@{jj} 0
            calc ibias = @ibias + 1
            ldbv @ibias @ip1 @jp1 10 -5.56 @xs@@{si}s@@{ii}s@@{sj}s@@{jj} 0
            calc ibias = @ibias + 1
            ldbv @ibias @ip1 @jp1 8 0.017 @ss@@{si}s@@{ii}s@@{sj}s@@{jj} 0
            calc ibias = @ibias + 1
            ldbv @ibias @jp1 @ip1 10 -5.56 @xs@@{sj}s@@{jj}s@@{si}s@@{ii} 0
            calc ibias = @ibias + 1
            ldbv @ibias @jp1 @ip1 8 0.017 @ss@@{sj}s@@{jj}s@@{si}s@@{ii} 0
            calc ibias = @ibias + 1
            calc jj = @jj + 1
            goto loop7
         calc ii = @ii + 1
         goto loop6
      calc jblock = @jblock + @nsubs@@{sj}
      calc sj = @sj + 1
      goto loop5b
   calc iblock = @iblock + @nsubs@@{si}
   calc si = @si + 1
   goto loop5

nbond.str: this is a stream file in prep that sets up the nonbonded parameters. PME is recommended for electrostatics with an interpolation order of 6, an easily factorable grid length close to the box size in angstroms, and an inverse beta of 0.32 A^-1. Van der Waals force switching ("vfswitch") is recommended for Lennard-Jones interactions with a switching radius ("ctonnb") of 9 A, a cutoff radius ("ctofnb") of 10 A, and a neighbor list radius ("cutnb") of 12 A.

Other necessary files can be supplied by the user outside the prep directory if desired, but default values of these files will be created if they are not supplied.

msld_flat.inp: This is the CHARMM input script used during flattening. It streams in a file from the prep directory that does all the system setup, everything else the script does should be system independent. It runs two segments of NPT dynamics, one of @esteps which is discarded for equilibration, and one of @nsteps that is used for flattening. If you want to run NVT dynamics, for example for the vacuum side of a solvation free energy calculation, make a copy and modify appropriately. This file is copied from alf/default_scripts for the requested engine.

msld_prod.inp: This is the CHARMM input script used during production. It also streams in a system setup script. This script is set up to be called multiple times, running a 1 ns chunk of sampling each time. The 1 ns chunks are then stitched together during postprocessing. This makes the production run much more robust against queue time limits and node failures. If you want to run NVT dynamics, for example for the vacuum side of a solvation free energy calculation, make a copy and modify appropriately. This file is copied from alf/default_scripts for the requested engine.

nbshift: This directory contains matrices for replica exchange. Unless you're using replica exchange, they should all be set to 0's. initializes the directory and sets it to 0's by default. For variable biasing potential replica exchange, it also includes a file vb.inp that is streamed after replica exchange initialization to adjust the biasing potentials based of the replica index.

G_imp: This is a directory containing the free energy due to the entropy of the implicit constraints. For a typical implicit constraint fnex parameter of 5.5, and 10 or fewer substituents, the alf/G_imp directory containing precomputed values will be used, but if you choose to use a higher fnex or add a small barrier between states to increase the sampling of physical states, you should recompute these G_imp values, and pass alf.runflat and alf.postprocess the path to this directory.

Bug Reporting

Please report any bugs or desired new features to the authors at


Original ALF paper: Hayes, R. L.; Armacost, K. A.; Vilseck, J. Z. & Brooks III, C. L. Adaptive Landscape Flattening Accelerates Sampling of Alchemical Space in Multisite λ Dynamics Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2017, 121, 3626-3635 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b09656

Current linearized ALF: Hayes, R. L.; Vilseck, J. Z. & Brooks III, C. L. Approaching Protein Design with Multisite λ Dynamics: Accurate and Scalable Mutational Folding Free Energies in T4 Lysozyme Protein Science, 2018, 27, 1910-1922 DOI: 10.1002/pro.3500

Coupling between sites and Potts model estimator: Hayes, R. L.; Vilseck, J. Z. & Brooks III, C. L. Addressing Intersite Coupling Unlocks Large Combinatorial Chemical Spaces for Alchemical Free Energy Methods Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2022, 18, 2114-2123 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.1c00948

Automatic halting procedure: Raman, E. P.; Paul, T. J.; Hayes, R. L. & Brooks III, C. L. Automated, Accurate, and Scalable Relative Protein-Ligand Binding Free Energy Calculations using Lambda Dynamics Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2020, 16, 7895-7914 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.0c00830

Biasing potential replica exchange: Biasing Potential Replica Exchange Multisite λ-Dynamics for Efficient Free Energy Calculations Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2015, 11, 1267-1277 DOI: 10.1021/ct500894k


Adaptive landscape flattening scripts for MSLD







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