MA-NSW is a GO implementation of the multiple attribute HNSW approximate nearest-neighbour search algorithm based on HNSW (Implemented in C++ in and described in
Simple usage example. See examples folder for more. Note that both index building and searching can be safely done in parallel with multiple goroutines. You can always extend the index, even while searching.
package main
import (
hnsw ".."
// NUM: Size of training data
var NUM = 3000
// DIMENSION: Dimension of data
var DIMENSION = 32
// TESTNUM: Size of query data
var TESTNUM = 10
func main() {
const (
M = 16
efConstruction = 400
efSearch = 400
K = 100
distType = "l2" // l2 or cosine
var zero hnsw.Point = make([]float32, DIMENSION)
h := hnsw.New(M, efConstruction, zero, distType)
provinces := []string{"blue", "red", "green", "yellow"}
types := []string{"sky", "land", "sea"}
titles := []string{"boy", "girl"}
for i := 1; i <= NUM; i++ {
randomAttr := []string{provinces[rand.Intn(4)], types[rand.Intn(3)], titles[rand.Intn(2)]}
h.Add(randomPoint(), uint32(i), randomAttr)
if (i)%1000 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%v points added\n", i)
fmt.Println("Saving index...")
err := h.Save("test.ind", true) //true: product mode
if err != nil {
panic("Save error!")
fmt.Println("Done! Loading index...")
h, timestamp, _ := hnsw.Load("test.ind")
fmt.Printf("Index loaded, time saved was %v\n", time.Unix(timestamp, 0))
fmt.Printf("Now searching with HNSW...\n")
timeRecord := make([]float64, TESTNUM)
hits := 0
queries := make([]hnsw.Point, TESTNUM)
truth := make([][]uint32, TESTNUM)
// start := time.Now()
for i := 0; i < TESTNUM; i++ {
searchAttr := []string{provinces[rand.Intn(4)], types[rand.Intn(3)], titles[rand.Intn(2)]}
fmt.Printf("Generating queries and calculating true answers using bruteforce search...\n")
queries[i] = randomPoint()
resultTruth := h.SearchBrute(queries[i], K, searchAttr)
truth[i] = make([]uint32, K)
for j := K - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
item := resultTruth.Pop()
truth[i][j] = item.ID
startSearch := time.Now()
result := h.Search(queries[i], efSearch, K, searchAttr)
//result := h.Search(queries[i], efSearch, K, []string{"nil", "nil", "nil"})
stopSearch := time.Since(startSearch)
timeRecord[i] = stopSearch.Seconds() * 1000
fmt.Print("Searching with attributes:")
if result.Size != 0 {
for j := 0; j < K; j++ {
item := result.Pop()
fmt.Printf("%v ", item)
if item != nil {
for k := 0; k < K; k++ {
if item.ID == truth[i][k] {
} else {
fmt.Println("Can't return any node")
// stop := time.Since(start)
data := stat.Float64Slice(timeRecord)
mean := stat.Mean(data)
variance := stat.Variance(data)
fmt.Printf("Mean of queries time(MS): %v\n", mean)
fmt.Printf("Variance of queries time: %v\n", variance)
fmt.Printf("%v queries / second (single thread)\n", 1000.0/mean)
fmt.Printf("Average 10-NN precision: %v\n", float64(hits)/(float64(TESTNUM)*float64(K)))
func randomPoint() hnsw.Point {
var v hnsw.Point = make([]float32, DIMENSION)
for i := range v {
v[i] = rand.Float32()
return v