It is just a scratch program where I want to explore kotlin for some reasons. In this way, may I use Java and Kotlin in terms of android development. Big credits to my college school to allow me to have android studio on my device from one of their professors.
I use this kind of method in Java
class MainActivity extends Activity{
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle){
LinearLayout base = new LinearLayout(this);
// ...
This process is what I called
Params Method
or a method of avoiding the use ofXML
for creating some layouts. In this way, we may avoid the modifications of the application from the layout up to its design. But inKotlin
I use this kind of method now.
class MainActivity : Activity() {
override fun onCreate(bundle: Bundle?){
val base = LinearLayout(this)
// ...
It almost look like the java, but it make some adjustments for me. Another one is by using a context into an interface.
button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v){
AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this);
But in Kotlin, it looks like this
button.setOnClickListener(object: OnClickListener{
override fun onClick(v: View){
val alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this@MainActivity);
So to have this solution, I'd asked to the internet, but later on, I use the auto complete hint in android studio.