Translate Latin into Standard Galactic Alphabet (Minecraft Enchanting Table language) and vice versa in C#
SGASharp can be downloaded from NuGet
Use the command bellow or download it from your IDE
dotnet add package SGASharp
Alternatively you can add the SGASharp/SGA.cs file to your project or add the SGASharp project to your solution and add a reference to it
Example project can be found in SGASharp.CommandLine
SGASharp can be used by using the methods in the SGA
static class or by using string
extension methods. Here are some examples:
using SGASharp;
Console.WriteLine("Hello World.".LatinToSGA());
// Prints "⍑ᒷꖎꖎフ ∴フ∷ꖎ↸·-·"
string text = "SGASharp".LatinToSGA();
// Returns "ᓭ⊣ᔑᓭ⍑ᔑ∷!¡"
// Prints "SGASHARP"
You can also modify the character table
using SGASharp;
// ∷׀׀⍑フリ
SGA.CharacterTable['y'] = "||";
SGA.CharacterTable['o'] = "J";
// ∷||⍑Jリ