SCANsat Development Version 17.0
Unimplemented or Unfinished Features:
Zoom map:
- Unchanged from previous versions
- Some features won't work properly
Color management window:
- Unchanged from previous versions
- Some features won't work properly
- Some changes won't take effect until the other maps are toggled off and on again
- BTDT instruments window readout disabled
- MechJeb integration disabled
- Waypoint selection disabled
- Asteroid map overlay icons removed
Known bugs:
- Big map grid overlay only functions correctly when both the KSP and SCANsat UI scale is set at 100%
- Grid overlay is drawn in top of other windows
- Narrow-Band scanner resource requirements don't function properly
- Some UI sychronization errors
- Changes in some settings will require toggling a window off and on again before taking effect
- Tooltips may get stuck on in some rare cases
Not a bug:
- Existing settings will mostly be reset (scanning data is maintained)
Change Log:
Complete UI Replacement:
All windows (except those listed above) generated using the new Unity UI system
- Text rendered with Text Mesh Pro SDF fonts (clearer text at all sizes and scales)
- Significant reduction in garbage creation for all UI windows
- Option to use KSP- or Unity-style UI elements
- Smoother UI scaling options
- Inherits the stock KSP primary UI scale
New stock toolbar menu
- Toolbar buttons opens a small menu with buttons for each of the SCANsat windows