This is a Calendar Picker Component for React Native
To use the calendar you just need to:
npm install --save react-native-calendar-picker
Note: react-native-calendar-picker v5 is a complete re-write of the calendar. This calendar is now written using ES6 syntax. I kept most of the same functionalities and added support for date ranges.
If you need the old code I saved it on a branch v4
CalendarPicker requires Moment JS. Date props may be anything parseable by Moment: Javascript Date, Moment date, or ISO8601 datetime string.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import CalendarPicker from 'react-native-calendar-picker';
export default class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedStartDate: null,
this.onDateChange = this.onDateChange.bind(this);
onDateChange(date) {
selectedStartDate: date,
render() {
const { selectedStartDate } = this.state;
const startDate = selectedStartDate ? selectedStartDate.toString() : '';
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text allowFontScaling={false}>SELECTED DATE:{ startDate }</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
marginTop: 100,
Prop | Type | Description |
weekdays |
Array |
Optional. List of week days. Eg. ['Mon', 'Tue', ...] Must be 7 days |
months |
Array |
Optional. List of months names. Eg. ['Jan', 'Feb', ...] Must be 12 months |
startFromMonday |
Boolean |
Optional. Default first day of week will be Sunday. You can set start of week from Monday by setting this to true. Default is false |
allowRangeSelection |
Boolean |
Optional. Allow to select date ranges. Default is false |
previousTitle |
String |
Optional. Title of button for previous month. Default is Previous |
nextTitle |
String |
Optional. Title of button for next month. Default is Next |
selectedDayColor |
String |
Optional. Color for selected day |
selectedDayStyle |
ViewStyle |
Optional. Style for selected day. May override selectedDayColor. |
selectedDayTextColor |
String |
Optional. Text color for selected day |
selectedRangeStartStyle |
ViewStyle |
Optional. Style for range selected start day. |
selectedRangeEndStyle |
ViewStyle |
Optional. Style for range selected end day. |
selectedRangeStyle |
ViewStyle |
Optional. Style for all days in range selection. |
disabledDates |
Array |
Optional. Specifies dates that cannot be selected. Array of Dates. |
selectedStartDate |
Date |
Optional. Specifies a selected Start Date. |
selectedEndDate |
Date |
Optional. Specifies a selected End Date. |
minRangeDuration |
Number or Array |
Optional. Specifies a minimum range duration when using allowRangeSelection. Can either pass a number to be used for all dates or an Array of objects if the minimum range duration depends on the date {date: Moment-parsable date, minDuration: Number |
maxRangeDuration |
Number or Array |
Optional. Specifies a maximum range duration when using allowRangeSelection. Can either pass a number to be used for all dates or an Array of objects if the maximum range duration depends on the date {date: Moment-parsable date, maxDuration: Number |
todayBackgroundColor |
String |
Optional. Background color for today. Default is #cccccc |
todayTextStyle |
TextStyle |
Optional. Text styling for today. |
textStyle |
Object |
Optional. Style overall text. Change fontFamily, color, etc. |
customDatesStyles |
Array |
Optional. Style individual date(s). Array of objects {date: Moment-parseable date, containerStyle: ViewStyle, style: ViewStyle, textStyle: TextStyle} |
scaleFactor |
Number |
Optional. Default (375) scales to window width |
minDate |
Date |
Optional. Specifies minimum date to be selected |
maxDate |
Date |
Optional. Specifies maximum date to be selected |
initialDate |
Date |
Optional. Date that calendar opens to. Defaults to today. |
width |
Number |
Optional. Width of CalendarPicker's container. Defaults to Dimensions width. |
height |
Number |
Optional. Height of CalendarPicker's container. Defaults to Dimensions height. |
swipeConfig |
Object |
Optional. Config passed to Swiper. |
enableSwipe |
Boolean |
Optional. Whether to enable swiping. Default is true |
onDateChange |
Function |
Optional. Callback when a date is selected. Returns Moment date as first parameter. |
onMonthChange |
Function |
Optional. Callback when Previous / Next month is pressed. Returns Moment date as first parameter. |
Some styles will overwrite some won't. For instance:
- If you provide textStyle with fontFamily and color, out of ranges dates will not apply your color, just fontFamily.
Order of precedence:
- defaultColor => textStyle => selectedDayColor
- defaultTodayBackgroundColor => todayBackgroundColor
- defaultBackgroundColor => selectedDayColor
- defaultTextStyles => textStyle => selectedDayTextColor
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import CalendarPicker from 'react-native-calendar-picker';
export default class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedStartDate: null,
selectedEndDate: null,
this.onDateChange = this.onDateChange.bind(this);
onDateChange(date, type) {
if (type === 'END_DATE') {
selectedEndDate: date,
} else {
selectedStartDate: date,
selectedEndDate: null,
render() {
const { selectedStartDate, selectedEndDate } = this.state;
const minDate = new Date(); // Today
const maxDate = new Date(2017, 6, 3);
const startDate = selectedStartDate ? selectedStartDate.toString() : '';
const endDate = selectedEndDate ? selectedEndDate.toString() : '';
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text allowFontScaling={false}>SELECTED START DATE:{ startDate }</Text>
<Text allowFontScaling={false}>SELECTED END DATE:{ endDate }</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
marginTop: 100,
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import CalendarPicker from 'react-native-calendar-picker';
export default class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedStartDate: null,
selectedEndDate: null,
this.onDateChange = this.onDateChange.bind(this);
onDateChange(date, type) {
if (type === 'END_DATE') {
selectedEndDate: date,
} else {
selectedStartDate: date,
selectedEndDate: null,
render() {
const { selectedStartDate, selectedEndDate } = this.state;
const minDate = new Date(); // Today
const maxDate = new Date(2017, 6, 3);
const startDate = selectedStartDate ? selectedStartDate.toString() : '';
const endDate = selectedEndDate ? selectedEndDate.toString() : '';
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
weekdays={['Seg', 'Ter', 'Qua', 'Qui', 'Sex', 'Sab', 'Dom']}
months={['Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro']}
fontFamily: 'Cochin',
color: '#000000',
<Text allowFontScaling={false}>SELECTED START DATE:{ startDate }</Text>
<Text allowFontScaling={false}>SELECTED END DATE:{ endDate }</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
marginTop: 100,
let today = moment();
let day = today.clone().startOf('month');
let customDatesStyles = [];
while(day.add(1, 'day').isSame(today, 'month')) {
date: day.clone(),
// Random colors
style: {backgroundColor: '#'+('#00000'+(Math.random()*(1<<24)|0).toString(16)).slice(-6)},
textStyle: {color: 'black'}, // sets the font color
containerStyle: [], // extra styling for day container
render() {
return (
todayTextStyle={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}
These internal methods may be accessed through a ref to the CalendarPicker.
Name | Params | Description |
handleOnPressDay |
day (Integer) | Programmatically select date. day is a number that is the day of the current month. Moment example for today's day of month: moment().date() |
handleOnPressNext |
Programmatically advance to next month. | |
handleOnPressPrevious |
Programmatically advance to previous month. | |
resetSelections |
Clear date selections. Useful for resetting date range selection when user has picked a start date but not an end date. |
Open Issues. Submit PRs.
I would like to call out some contributors who have been helping with this project
git clone CalendarPicker
npm install
In Package.json modify
"main": "./CalendarPicker",
"main": "./node_modules/react-native-scripts/build/bin/crna-entry.js",
npm start
npm run ios