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This is the emailservice of the Lisk delegate market project. It was made as a group project for Fontys.

It was made with .NET Core 3.1 and will function as a message queue receiver for the Lisk Delegate Market. To make fully use of this project it is recommended to also look at the other services in the project. The other services can be found here. If you want to see the live product it can be found here.

Via this service the user will receive an email after registration.

External sources

To run this project you will need to run the following services:


This is an example for the appsettings.json file that is needed to configure the application.

  "EmailSettings" : {
    "Email": "",
    "Password": "",
    "Port": 0,
    "Host": "",
    "Ssl": true
  "MessageQueueSettings": {
    "Uri": ""
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "",
      "Microsoft": "",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": ""
  "Sentry": {
    "Dsn": "",
    "IncludeRequestPayload": true,
    "SendDefaultPii": true,
    "MinimumBreadcrumbLevel": "",
    "MinimumEventLevel": "",
    "AttachStackTrace": true,
    "Debug": true,
    "DiagnosticsLevel": ""
  "AllowedHosts": ""

Github Actions

The project runs on GitHub Actions with 3 different configurations.

  1. All feature/* branches will be tested and build.
  2. In addition to the first step, a push on the develop branch will also be delivered to dockerhub and deployed to our develop environment.
  3. All pushes on a tag will be delivered and deployed to our kubernetes production environment.

To reproduce the pipeline the following secrets are needed:

  • DOCKER_ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token or password of the docker registry
  • DOCKER_USER: The username of the docker registry
  • GPG_PASSPHRASE: The secret passphrase that is used to encrypt and decrypt the GPG files
  • KUBE_CONFIG: The kubeconfig file to access the kubernetes cluster
  • SONARCLOUD_ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token for sonarcloud


The image of this service is stored on dockerhub, it can be found here. All images with a SHA tag are development builds and versions with a version tag are production builds.


The project is deployed to a kubernetes cluster. in de kube_develop folder are all the different kubernetes configuration files for the development builds. In the kube folder are the configuration files for the production builds.

  • autoscaler.yaml -> this is the autoscaler for the deployment
  • deployment.yaml -> the deployment of the service itself
  • service.yaml -> the service that exposes the deployment for other services and resources within the cluster