P7-Groupomania Groupomania is the seventh project for my formation at OpenClassrooms, its a Social Network. Prerequisites : Node.js Git (not essential)MongoDB to make a database How to start : First steps, you need to clone this project with this command : git clone <ssh-url> or <https-url> (or just download the zip folder) Then, you need to go in the "back" folder, open a new terminal (CTRL + L, write "cmd", and press ENTER) and use this command : npm install Make a .env file and past your database ids like this : DB_USERNAME=<your_db_username> DB_PASSWORD=<your_db_password> SECRET_TOKEN=SECRET_RANDOM_TOKEN_KEY Start the back using this command : node app.js In the "front" folder you just need to do npm install(to install node_modules) and npm start to start the front I hope you'll enjoy my project ⚠️ To do this project I had a limited time, so it is not perfect but it respects what was requested for this project. ⚠️ If you have any issue, you can contact me by discord SANAGO#0001.