Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.11.0 (2019-05-22)
Bug Fixes
- ui5-checkbox: correct default values of the boolean props (#408) (9bdd2c5)
- ui5-messagestrip: remove height 100% from element tag (#387) (4b64a9c)
- ui5-panel: add missing dependency for ui5-icon (#406) (650bcb0)
- fix broken child property observation (#423) (b3e3b3f)
- fix API build for composite components (#391) (dcb829b)
- prevent dual event dispatching in no conflict mode (#363) (4cbe3de)
- update tab container documentation (#370) (7117430), closes #369
Code Refactoring
- make custom CSS theme independent (#386) (d6b4ab5)
- ui5-datepicker: rename event 'liveChange' to 'input' (#394)
- ui5-panel: remove backgroundDesign property (#384)
- ui5-panel: remove backgroundDesign property (#383)
- ui5-checkbox: rename "readOnly" to "readonly" (#413)
- ui5-radiobutton: rename "readOnly" to "readonly" (#413)
- ui5-multi-combobox: initial implementation (#379) (115900b)
- ui5-list: selectionChange event provides previously selected items (#418) (f0fc8f2)
- ui5-shellbar: API improvements (#421) (e0ff36d)
- add CSS variables section in API Ref (#399) (e198fa5)
- add data-ui5-compact-size attribute to root when compact is set (#382) (cbf00a8)
- fetch ui5-datepicker assets from CDN (#420) (1f62dda)
- simplify slots usage (e4907b9)
- ui5-list: the "selectionChange" event param "items" has been renamed to "selectedItems".
- ui5-list: the "backgroundDesign" property has been removed, use the corresponding
CSS variable (--_ui5_listitem_background_color) to alter the list items` background. - ui5-panel: the "backgroundDesign" property has been removed, use the corresponding
CSS variables (--_ui5_panel_background_color) to alter the panel background. - ui5-datepicker: 'liveChange' event has been renamed to 'input'.
- ui5-checkbox: property "readOnly" has been renamed to "readonly".
- ui5-radiobutton: property "readOnly" has been renamed to "readonly".
- the signature of the addCustomCSS method exported by "@ui5/webcomponents-base/Theming.js" is changed from addCustomCSS(tag, theme, css) to addCustomCSS(tag, css).