Tasky is a Task Management application It gives users to save, delete, update, and create there day to day tasks.
*Key features:*\ User Registration and Authentication: \ Users typically need to create an account and log in to access the chat application, ensuring secure and personalized communication. Users can use Facebook or Google accounts to access the application.
Real-time Notes:
Anyone from anywhere can have to Save, delete and update the notes.
Tasky boasts a clean and intuitive user interface, making it easy for users to navigate through various modules and access the desired features effortlessly. The well-organized dashboard provides an at-a-glance overview of project status, while the drag-and-drop functionality simplifies task management and resource allocation.
The application is Responsive on desktop and mobile also.
Packages used to create the application: \
1: redux for content management
2: Rsuite for responsive components
3: react-datapicker for due-date
4:react router dom for smooth tranversal\
In backend
1: bcryptjs: for coding and decoding the password (security)
2: CORS is used to allow web browsers to make requests to different domains
3: dotenv: to store the URL of mongoDB for .env file
4: express: It simplifies web development by providing easy routing, middleware handling, and HTTP request/response management.
5: Express Validator is a middleware library for Express.js that provides a set of validation.\
6: jsonwebtoken: to create the token using a code and password
7: MongoDB and Mongoose: for MongoDB\
8: Nodemon: is devDependencies to run the server\