Blockstates datapack (Download)
Serialize blocks and their block states with this datapack! (This is meant to be used as a library for other datapacks/maps)
With this, you could make your own in-storage structure format, and make cool stuff with it, idk!
Current MC version of the project: 1.20.6
You can load a block at the position of the executor with function blockstates:store_block
It will store all the block's data in (in data storage).
With this, do whatever you want!
You can setblock a stored block in with function blockstates:demos/setblock_stored
This function isn't very optimized, and it will use more commands on the first execution, but this is just a demo. Modify as you want!
You can summon a display entity from a block stored in with blockstates:demos/blockentity_stored
(This will summon the block at ~ ~ ~, so use 'execute align xz run function ...' if you want to align the blocks to "the grid")
Creator of this project: PolishKrowa (Mrredstone5230 on Github)
Inspiration for the project and for the optimization method: Cloud Wolf on Youtube
This project is protected under an MIT license. You are allowed to use and modify this as long as proper crediting is provided in your own projects.