macOS • Windows • Web • Ubuntu • tvOS • iOS • Android • Amazon Linux • watchOS
SDGInterface provides tools for implementing a graphical user interface.
- API unification accross platforms.
- Localized menu bar.
import Foundation
import SDGText
import SDGLocalization
import SDGInterface
@available(macOS 11, tvOS 14, iOS 14, watchOS 7, *)
extension SampleApplication: Application {}
@available(watchOS 6, *)
public struct SampleApplication: LegacyApplication {
public init() {}
public var applicationName: ProcessInfo.ApplicationNameResolver {
return { form in
switch form {
case .english(let region):
switch region {
case .unitedKingdom, .unitedStates, .canada:
return "Sample"
case .español(let preposición):
switch preposición {
case .ninguna:
return "Ejemplar"
case .de:
return "del Ejemplar"
case .deutsch(let fall):
switch fall {
case .nominativ, .akkusativ, .dativ:
return "Beispiel"
case .français(let préposition):
switch préposition {
case .aucune:
return "Exemple"
case .de:
return "de l’Exemple"
case .ελληνικά(let πτώση):
switch πτώση {
case .ονομαστική:
return "Παράδειγμα"
case .αιτιατική:
return "το Παράδειγμα"
case .γενική:
return "του Παραδείγματος"
case .עברית:
return "דוגמה"
public static func main() { // @exempt(from: tests)
if #available(macOS 11, tvOS 14, iOS 14, watchOS 7, *) {
} else {
public var mainWindow: Window<Label<InterfaceLocalization>, InterfaceLocalization> {
return Window(
type: .primary(nil),
name: UserFacing<StrictString, InterfaceLocalization>({ localization in
switch localization {
case .englishCanada:
return "Sample"
content: Label(
UserFacing<StrictString, InterfaceLocalization>({ localization in
switch localization {
case .englishCanada:
return "Hello, world!"
@main extension SampleApplication {}
Some platforms lack certain features. The compilation conditions which appear throughout the documentation are defined as follows:
.define("PLATFORM_HAS_COCOA_INTERFACE", .when(platforms: [.macOS, .tvOS, .iOS])),
.when(platforms: [.windows, .wasi, .linux, .android])
.define("PLATFORM_LACKS_FOUNDATION_PROCESS_INFO", .when(platforms: [.wasi])),
.define("PLATFORM_LACKS_FOUNDATION_RUN_LOOP", .when(platforms: [.wasi])),
SDGInterface provides libraries for use with the Swift Package Manager.
Simply add SDGInterface as a dependency in Package.swift
and specify which of the libraries to use:
let package = Package(
name: "MyPackage",
dependencies: [
url: "",
.upToNextMinor(from: Version(0, 15, 3))
targets: [
name: "MyTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "SDGInterface", package: "SDGInterface"),
.product(name: "SDGInterfaceTestUtilities", package: "SDGInterface"),
.product(name: "SDGErrorMessages", package: "SDGInterface"),
.product(name: "SDGProgressIndicators", package: "SDGInterface"),
.product(name: "SDGKeyboard", package: "SDGInterface"),
The modules can then be imported in source files:
import SDGInterface
import SDGInterfaceTestUtilities
import SDGErrorMessages
import SDGProgressIndicators
import SDGKeyboard
The SDGInterface project is maintained by Jeremy David Giesbrecht.
If SDGInterface saves you money, consider giving some of it as a donation.
If SDGInterface saves you time, consider devoting some of it to contributing back to the project.
Ἄξιος γὰρ ὁ ἐργάτης τοῦ μισθοῦ αὐτοῦ ἐστι.
For the worker is worthy of his wages.